Ben 10 Porn Story: Alien Demon or Undead Chapter 9

Ben 10 Porn Story: Alien Demon or Undead Chapter 9

Chapter Nine

Something’s wrong, Kevin stated. Ben should have been here by now.

Why did he not accompany you? Lalasa asked as she handed Gwen a steaming mug.

He said he wanted to do a quick patrol first, she replied. He usually contacts us if he finds anything, though.

Kevin stood and headed down the corridor to the front door. Stepping outside, he pulled his cell phone from his pocket and waited for it to power up. Keying in the familiar number, he waited as the other end of the line rang before redirecting to voice mail. Frustrated, he stepped back inside and looked at the others.

He’s not answering his phone. Reading the look of concern on Gwen’s face, he turned towards the door again. My badge can track his Omnitrix. I’m gonna go find him.

Wait. She set the mug down on the table in front of her. Let me try first. She blinked once, her eyes taking on a pink glow as she concentrated. He’s at the edge of town, near the warehouses.

I might be able to show you the area, Lalasa said as she stood in front of the large mirror on the wall.

The room behind her was reflected clearly, although her figure was absent from the surface. Whispering a few words, she brushed her fingertips across the glass, the image of the room swirling before it vanished. A hazy scene of old buildings began to take shape, the view clarifying as Gwen and Kevin moved to stand beside her. They held their breath as they waited for the various forms to appear, relieved when they saw Ben standing there.

Looks like he found a bunch of DNAliens, Kevin remarked.

And he’s not alone, Gwen added.

That is how I found him, Lalasa explained. The Trace-Ward on Karian placed him in the area you described.

Is there any way we can hear what they’re saying? Gwen asked.

Unfortunately, no. She shook her head slightly. The enchantment is set for visual only. However, if there was anything to worry about, I would have taken us there already. I do not believe Karian would try to harm him.

Let’s hope you’re right, Kevin said, scowling as the image vanished. Otherwise, I’m gonna be sharpening some stakes.


This is about your sister, isn’t it? Ben guessed. The glare he received in response almost made him reconsider the question. Why didn’t you go with Abigalia and Dravias to visit her?

You ask too many questions, Karian replied, turning away. Do you not have better ways to utilize your time?

I’m just trying to understand. He let his arms fall back to his sides and sighed. How can I be sure that you’re not going to hurt anyone if you won’t even tell me what’s going on? It has something to do with what Lalasa told you last night. What happened in Los Angeles?

Before he could react, Karian turned and lunged at him, sending them both crashing onto the pavement. Ben’s eyes were drawn to the razor-sharp fangs hovering inches above him and he swallowed hard. His mind raced, trying to figure out a way to extract himself from beneath the vampire, or at least gain enough leverage to reach the Omnitrix.

What will it take for you to understand that some questions should not be asked? Karian growled. Would your death be the only way for you to leave me in peace?

If you wanted to kill me, you would have by now, Ben said, trying to keep his voice steady.

You sound as if you are certain of that. He laughed humorlessly. You know nothing of me.

Then tell me, Ben countered. All you’re doing is trying to make a show of it. Something happened and you’re upset about it. It’s hard for you to talk about. I get it. He paused, forcing himself to meet the glowing gaze above him. You’re the one that’s forcing yourself to stay miserable. All I want to know is why.

The weight pressing down on him was suddenly gone and he saw the vampire standing a few yards away, facing the buildings. Slowly, Ben stood, but thought better of approaching again. Karian remained silent, his shoulders slumped.

It is my own fault, he said finally. It has been decided that I am not permitted to enter the city; not even to visit my sister who will bring forth the first child born of both your world and mine.

Ben opened his mouth, preparing to ask why, but closed it quickly, waiting instead for him to continue. Karian turned to face him, his eyes pleading for the teenager to understand.

For sixteen years, I thought she was dead or worse, he explained. I wasted most of my mortal life seeking vengeance against the wrong people. I followed them to your world, only to learn that they had returned to mine. I had vowed to destroy every vampire I encountered in a misguided quest for justice. I succeeded in eliminating a small handful before I was captured by assassins who had similar goals.

Dravias had become a prisoner of the vampires in Los Angeles. They convinced him that I was mistaken, but I refused to listen. I was certain that he was being forced to misinform me. He looked down as he continued. He was correct. It was too late by the time I realized it though. The ones that had captured me nearly killed me in their attempt to gain information.

Why didn’t you tell them anything? Ben interrupted.

If I had led them to the vampires, it would have placed Dravias in even more danger, he replied. By that point, I had discovered that Cassandra was still alive and well. They would have found her too. In the end, I was found by the ones that I had sought to destroy.

Lothan and Lalasa, Ben guessed.

Close. He glanced up at the sky as he spoke again. Well, it was Lothan and Cassandra who found me. Lalasa was in another area assisting their comrades. I was nearly dead when they reached me. When I awoke, I was… this. Looking down at his hands, he shook his head. I was furious. They said it was the only way to save me, but how could I exist as something that I had hated for so long? How could I face my sister as a monster?

Wait, wasn’t she raised by vampires? He received another glare and raised his hands in apology. Sorry. So what happened?

My sister was just happy that I was alright, Karian said. She cared not for what I had become. However, I still had to face the consequences of my previous actions. I met with the oldest vampire in the city, who was a close friend of the Konistavs. He agreed not to destroy me as long as I left Los Angeles forever. He paused, closing his eyes for a moment before he continued. Lalasa met with him last night, to request an exception given the circumstances.

And he said no?


Ben watched him turn away again, unsure of how to respond. He tried to imagine the tale that he had heard, trying to place himself in the other’s shoes. His life had been in danger more times than he could remember, but all of those incidents seemed to pale in comparison.

You should go, Karian said, his voice cracking slightly. Your friends will wonder where you are. Besides, should you not be out saving your world?

There’s more to saving the world than just fighting aliens, he replied as he slowly approached him. After a moment of hesitation, he rested a hand on Karian’s shoulder. I’m supposed to meet them over at the Konistavs’ place anyway. Why don’t you come back with me? I’m sure they’re pretty worried about you too. Maybe we’ll run into some more DNAliens on the way. It’d be nice to have some help with them.

Karian turned his head to regard him, thin streaks of crimson staining his cheeks. He seemed to study him for a minute before he slowly nodded.

You are a very unique young man, he remarked.


From what I know of your world, most of your people would have run away from my kind, especially if threatened. He chuckled softly as he lifted a hand to wipe his face. And yet you remain, even after learning of the things I have done.

No one can handle everything alone, Ben told him. I learned that the hard way myself.


I’m giving him five more minutes and then I’m going after him, Kevin stated.

Karian is traveling in this direction, Lalasa replied. It is likely that Ben is with him.

If he’s still alive, Gwen said under her breath.

If you truly thought he might be in danger, would you still be sitting here? Lalasa offered a hint of a smile as the pair exchanged a glance.

They were hesitant to admit that she was right. She had assured them of Ben’s safety and they believed her. The image in the mirror had been dismissed as soon as they had seen him, but nearly an hour had passed since then. The realization was startling to both of them and they wondered if they had been mistaken in accepting her words as truth. Before they could voice their concerns, the front door opened and they heard the final exchange of a brief conversation.

Even in your enhanced form, you are still too slow, Karian said with a chuckle.

I could have beaten you if I went Jetray, Ben retorted as they entered the room.

Of course, the vampire replied, rolling his eyes.

Where the hell have you been, Tennyson? Kevin demanded.

Ben, we’ve been worried sick about you, Gwen added.

His smile vanished as he looked at them and he heard Karian mutter something that sounded very close to I told you so. He glanced at the white-haired vampire, reading his expression clearly, and cleared his throat.

I ran into some DNAliens when I was on patrol near the warehouses, he explained, motioning to Karian. He was already there, so we took care of them pretty easily. He decided against mentioning the aliens that had been killed by the man beside him, but it looked like his friends were close to assuming as much.

How many? Kevin asked, folding his arms over his chest.

About a dozen, Ben replied. Most of them ran off pretty quickly.

And the ones that didn’t? Gwen prompted.

I dispatched them, Karian stated as he headed into the kitchen.

They watched him open one of the cabinets to remove a scrap of cloth and an opaque bottle. Setting the items on the counter, he unsheathed one of his daggers and ran his finger along the side of the blade. His nose wrinkled in disgust as he tasted the substance and he set to work cleaning the blade with the cloth and the solution from the bottle.

So, what’s the verdict? Ben asked, looking at Lalasa.

I am meeting with my advisors later this evening, she replied. We are going to try your suggestion if we can find a way to make it possible.

That’s great! He grinned, relieved by the news.

Before you become too excited, she began, lifting a hand, I must advise you that it is likely that we will not be able to save all of them. We will try to heal as many as possible, but there will be casualties.

Well, at least it’s better than the ‘kill ’em all’ approach, Kevin said with a shrug.

Indeed, she agreed. We are still having difficulty locating their base of operations, but I hope to have that resolved within the next few evenings. I would like to mount an offensive against them by the end of the week. I will know more after I speak with my advisors, though.

Should we stop by tomorrow night? Gwen asked.

I will send word to you, Lalasa replied.

I’ll meet up with Abigalia at lunch tomorrow, Ben told her.

She will not return for a few days, she said, shaking her head. One of us will meet with you tomorrow evening.

Sounds good, he replied.


Can you believe they’ve ruled their world for eight hundred years? Gwen asked on the ride home.

Really? Ben looked at her in surprise.

Yeah, Kevin said. You might have heard that if you’d shown up on time instead of playing patty-cake with the damn bloodsucker.

Oh, come on, he protested. He’s not a bad guy once you get to know him.

Sure he’s not, the older teen scoffed. I’m sure he’s just dying to have you over for dinner.

Ben, Gwen interrupted. What Kevin’s trying to say is that you need to be more careful. He might seem nice, they all might seem nice, but when it comes down to it, humans are food to them.

If that were the case, we wouldn’t be having this conversation, Ben argued.

Alright, so they’ve made a few exceptions, she conceded. That doesn’t change the fact that our job is dangerous enough without you taking unnecessary risks.

I know what I’m doing, he insisted. If we’re going to work with them, then the least we can do is try to get along. They have friends, and family, that are human.

Whatever, Kevin said. But I’m not going to be the one to tell your folks that you ended up as vamp food.


The next day seemed to drag for Ben. Nothing of interest happened during school; even J.T. and Cash seemed to keep their distance for once. As soon as the final bell sounded, he was out the door. He quickly unlocked his bike and raced home, planning to have his homework finished before sundown.

He had almost completed the last assignment when he heard the doorbell ring. Running down the stairs, he barely made it to the door before his father, stepping in front of him to turn the handle. Karian stood waiting, a white brow arched as he regarded Ben.

I have news, he said simply. Glancing past the teenager, he added, It is best discussed in private.

No problem, Ben replied, stepping out of the way and looking at his father. We’ll be upstairs.

Karian nodded to the older man as he passed, following Ben upstairs. The teen moved his backpack aside and motioned for him to sit in the chair by the computer before sitting on the edge of the bed himself.

This is not exactly a social call, the vampire reminded.

I know, Ben replied. But that doesn’t mean you have to stand the whole time you’re here.

Very well, he said with a shrug. Lalasa met with her advisors after you and your friends departed last night.

And? Ben prompted. What did they say?

Lalasa accompanied them back to Zalyndrya, he replied. There, they will set up a containment area of sorts. When we face the aliens, Abnalia and Dornin will assist her in transporting them to our world. There will be healers waiting to begin the extraction of the parasites. Once we have finished clearing as many as possible from your world, Lalasa will join them back home.

So, they really think this’ll work?

They are fairly confident, yes. He nodded and paused before speaking again. There is a change that this will fail. Should that happen, we will have no choice but to destroy all of them. As for the Highbreed, as you call them… Since they are not affected by a parasite, it has been decided that they will be eliminated as quickly as possible. They seem to be the biggest threat at this time.

I’ve gotta call Gwen and Kevin, Ben said as he pulled out his cell phone.

No need, he replied. They have just arrived.

Hey, Ben. Have you heard anything…? Gwen stopped suddenly as soon as the door was open enough for her to see the occupants of the room.

What the hell is he doing here? Kevin asked, glaring at the vampire.

Leaving, Karian replied, rising from the chair. He met Kevin’s glare with one of his own as he edged past him.

Wait, Ben said, standing as well. Are you going out looking for them again?

Not tonight, he replied. Lothan will be seeking them this time. He was trailing the visitor last night and it is my turn to follow him.

You guys are tailing Morningstar? Kevin asked, arching a brow.

Or Darkstar, as he calls himself, Karian confirmed. Until we determine his motives, he is considered a threat and must be watched carefully.

That’s not a bad idea, Gwen said. He just showed up out of nowhere the other night. He’s got to be up to something.

Then I intend to find out.

Listen, Ben began. We’ve run into him a few times.

And kicked his ass both times, Kevin added.

The point is, Ben continued. He’s strong. He sucks the life out of people and uses their energy to make himself more powerful.

Kind of like you, Kevin remarked with a smirk.

Karian’s eyes flashed with a bright glow and his lips pulled back from lengthened fangs as he growled. For a few tense moments, they thought he might attack the taller teenager, but instead, he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the glow had faded, but he continued to glare at him.

Do not, even for the slightest moment, think that I am doing this for your sake, he said, his tone dangerously low. I did not come here with the intention of harming you, but do not provoke me again. After all, accidents do happen.

I’m not the one that was dumb enough to invite you in, Kevin shot back.

Contrary to popular belief, I do not require an invitation. Turning his attention to the others, he addressed them. I will inform you if I gain any new information. He nodded once to them, and turned to leave, closing the door as he departed.

Have you lost your mind? Gwen asked angrily. Both of you! Ben, how could you just let him hang out up here with you alone? And Kevin, you just had to pick a fight with him? What is wrong with you two?!

I don’t like him, Kevin said bluntly.

You don’t even know him, Ben retorted.

Neither do you, really, Gwen stated. You guys better start using your heads before you get us all killed.

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