Ben 10 Sex

Ben 10 Porn Story: Ask Ben 10 Chapter 15

Ben 10 Porn Story: Ask Ben 10 Chapter 15

(Jith is in a corner with cat ears and a tale and is holding her gummy worm and I think she purring. And M.C.S has her head in the duffle bag and is eating the strawberries like there is no tomorrow but with these two around you never know)

Vilgax: I want to LIVE! You pathetic excuse for an alien!

Azmuth: MWHAHAHAHA!! (Azmuth is chasing Vilgax who is still a human with a chainsaw)

11 Kevin: whered Azmuth get the chainsaw?

10 Gwen: How can he lift it!?

Charmcaster: werent you paying attention, thats Jiths realistic looking blowup chainsaw DUH!

Ben 15: WAIT! It blows UP!?!

15 Gwen: knowing Jith it probable douse!

10 Gwen: what is M Kevin, 16 Kevin and Charmcaster doing?

M Kevin: Shh were making a trap for Somebody and Somebody else.

Somebody: You massed up on the right.

16 Kevin: oh thank HEY GET HIM!

Somebody: Gotta go!


10 Gwen: Hey its our fist R its from



anyway (drops a gummy bear the size of vilgax in the room and a giant bag of


Kevin age 11: Did you ever think you date gwen

Azmuth: can I hug you (i ish a girl not a boy)

Ben age 10: you got a werewolf alien a mummy alien and frankenstien alien but

where is the vampire alien I WANT A VAMPIRE ALIEN DANG IT

Grampa Max: Why did you marry an alien I mean she’s pretty cool wish my

grandma could use energy power to fight that kick toosh

Grandma tennason: Can I worship your awesomeness (sneezes and blows up a

house) oops ^.^; misa is crazy psychic

Gwen age 10: want a spell book

Gwen 15: I still can’t believe your an alien I think you owe Kevin an apology

after all you did keep telling him you weren’t an alien



Jith: I hope you like the gummy bear

M.C.S: and you better like those strawberries i got


Jith: Gummy?


15 Ben: Were dead!

Lucky Girl: I dont get it why is it so bad if Jith as a gummy worm and M.C.S gets strawberries?

Jith: Gummy?

Azmuth: Youll find out.

Jith: OOO GOODY, GOODY MORE GUMMY! (Jith runs over and hugs the gummy bear and she sucking on the bears paws. M.C.S pounces on the strawberries)

11 Kevin: OK to answer the first question Kevin age 11: Did you ever think you date gwen UH why do you think I talked to Ben in the first place?

10 Gwen: you wanted to meet me so you went though my goofy cousin. (Hugs 11 Kevin)

11 Kevin: next question. Azmuth: can I hug you (i ish a girl not a boy)

Vilgax: Why would anyone want to hug you shrimp!??!!

Azmuth: Im NOT A- (suddenly someone runs up to Azmuth and hugs him and drops him and poofs away) AHHHHH STALKER!!!!

10 Gwen: next question Ben age 10: you got a werewolf alien a mummy alien and frankenstien alien but

where is the vampire alien I WANT A VAMPIRE ALIEN DANG IT


Ben 10: Please I beg you send me back to math class I dont wanna be here!!

10 Gwen: Well since you want to go so badly no!

Ben 10: Come On Gwen I cant stand it here, theres no logic, no plotline and Jith scares me, she has ears and a tale she must had gummies!

11 Kevin:

(Jith and M.C.S forgot what they were going to put here^)

10 Gwen: So Ben Plumalchemyst wants to know why you dont have a vampire alien.

10 Ben: I dont know.

15 Ben: wait do you mean like Michael Morningstar.

10 Eddie: Who!?

Somebody: whos 10 Eddie?

M.C.S: OOPS typo that was supposed to be 10 Ben.

16 Kevin: How did you get Eddie for Ben?

M.C.S: M M M? (That supposed to be I dont know but her mouths full of strawberries)

11 Kevin: O..K? next question Grampa Max: Why did you marry an alien I mean she’s pretty cool wish my

grandma could use energy power to fight that kick toosh


Max: (Looks that the question) I-fell-in-love. Why do you ask?

Jith: Hiss! (Shes hissing at Grandpa Max)

10 Ben: why is Jith hissing at Grandpa?

10 Gwen: who knows, shed probably hiss at the doorif we had one.

Jith: (sees Azmuth. And in Jiths mind Azmuth looks like a big stuffed toy mouse note she wont eat him she just wants to play with him)

Azmuth: thanks for narrating Sushi Guy! (Azmuth starts running as far from Jith as possible. And everyone knows Cats just love it when the toy is just out of their reach and now their off.)

16 Kevin: Wow Azmuth moves fast for a little guy.

M.C.S: Da da da da da dee dee dee dee dee da de dee dee dee da dee-

10 Gwen: M.C.S what are you doing?

M.C.S: theme music for the chase! Next question!

11 Kevin: Grandma tennason: Can I worship your awesomeness (sneezes and blows up a house) oops ^.^; misa is crazy psychic


Grandma Tennason: NO!

POOFS away!

Azmuth: That was your Grandma!?! She owes me five bucks!!

10 Gwen: OK? Moving on Gwen age 10: want a spell book um yes

Gwen 15: I still can’t believe youre an alien I think you owe Kevin an apology

after all you did keep telling him you weren’t an alien

15 Gwen: OK. (Looks at 16 Kevin) Kevin snicker,snicker Im giggle (Falls on the floor laughing.)

16 Kevin: What!?! (turns and sees Jith sanding there like she didnt do I thing but unknown to 16 Kevin Jith was using her author powers and he now looks like this he has Elvis Presley hairdo, a pink shirt, clown shoes, a tale with a bow on it color orange.)

16 Kevin: WHAT!?!!? Gwen why didnt you say something?!?!

15 Gwen: To funny cant breath!

16 Kevin: Jith change me back!!! (Jith Looks at Kevin like she has no idea what hes talking about. And now hes chasing her!)

11 Kevin: Ok the last bit of the R Kevin 16: I DARE YOU TO RUN AROUND SCREAMING I HAVE RAMEN IN MY PANTS FOR A


Jith: I hope you like the gummy bear

M.C.S: and you better like those strawberries i got


16 Kevin: (stops chasing Jith and looks at 11 Kevin) I have to say what!?!!

11 Kevin: you have ramen in your snicker snicker pants!

16 Kevin: OK? I have ramen in my pants I have ramen in my pants.

Jith: OK!

16 Kevin: What no AHHHH! (and now snicker snicker he really douse have ramen in his snicker snicker PANTS! Falls on floor dying of laughter)

M.C.S: Why is Kevin covered in noodles?

Vilgax: (hes also on the floor laughing) he has ramen in his pants!!

M.C.S: OH. (Gos back to eating strawberries)


11 Kevin: snickering the next R is from Kitty-Katie

LOLOLOLOL!This is stupidly fun!-

Jith: I will not let the first one be done!

I dare M Kevin to give Lucky Girl a ride on the back.

I dare all of the Kevin to beat up Vilgax

I dare Benny to pull Jith’s hair

I dare all of the Kevin to kiss their Gwens and take them on a beautiful

holiday at the beach.

I dare…MCS to jump into a pool of strawberries!

Thats all I thinkYep!

M Kevin: OK Lucky Girl hop on!

Lucky Girl: Goody!

M.C.S: aw sweet!

10 Gwen: I dare all of the Kevin to beat up Vilgax

M Kevin: but Im giving Lucky Girl a piggy-back-ride!

11 Kevin/16 Kevin: will do it!!!

Vilgax: I hate you Ketty-Katie!! (Kevins pull out their chop-sticks and Vilgax heads for the hills)

10 Gwen: I dare Benny to pull Jith’s hair

Jith: Hey how did you know I have hair!?!

10 Ben: you want me to pull Jiths hair!! Are you NUTS! If I did that shed kill me or something worse!! Sorry No way huh hu!!!

Azmuth: how can something be worse then death?

10 Ben: Do you have to ask MR. Stuffed Toy Mouse!!!!

10 Gwen: I dare all of the Kevin to kiss their Gwens and take them on a beautiful

holiday at the beach.

16 Kevin: Hey could you make up your mind!

11 Kevin: yeah do you want us to beat up Vilgax-

M Kevin: or take the Gwens to the beach!?!

Sushi Guy: all Kevins stop and think for a second.

All Kevins: Gwens to the Beach!!!

10 Ben: NO dont leave me here!!!

Azmuth: Take me Im smaller!!!


Sushi Guy: all the Kevins and Gwens are gone. And just so you know here are the people/aliens that are here Vilgax (hes still human) Azmuth, 10 Ben, 15 Ben, Grandpa Max, Charmcaster, Jith, M.C.S Somebody, Somebody else, me and the Ninja


M.C.S: HEY they didnt finish the dare!!!

15 Ben: what do you mean?

M.C.S: it says they gotta kiss first!!!

Charmcaster: trust me they are.

Jith: OOO Charmy thats the fist time I think youve talked!!

Charmcaster: dont call me Charmy! Can I be a sup author since 10 Gwen and 11 Kevin are gone?!

M.C.S: yeah you and Azmuth!!!

Azmuth: yeah. First things first! Need to change these here walls, add a door-

Charmcaster: idiot. ZAP (Azmuth now has sup author duck tape over Azmuths mouth) the last of the dare is I dare…MCS to jump into a pool of strawberries!

Thats all I thinkYep!

Charmcaster: is that even a dare!?

M.C.S: YEAH! (Jumps) OW strawberries sniff sniff hurt ME!!!

Jith: then eat them show them no mercy destroy your enemies!!!

M.C.S: OK! (And is now eating the strawberriesagain honestly where douse she put them all!)


Charmcaster: wow my first R as sup author snicker snicker Azmuth is funny of course making marshmallows rain on his head might have something to do with it OK back to the R The Unknown Alias

(Claps loudly.)

Yeah! Caramelldansen! Another joy given to us by Sweden.

Anyways, Happy Valentine’s Day!

My dares this time around are a bit more simpler. I’ve been wondering what if

certain Omnitrix aliens were to meet… Specifically Ghostfreak and Big Chill

or Ditto and Spidermonkey. If that’s okay with you ladies.

Also, can you tie 15 Ben and Charmcaster together and leave them hanging from

a rope bridge over a river of soda? You know, just to torture her for old

time’s sake?

Lastly, candy hearts to everyone!

To the holiday of love, and the aniversary of Aerosmith’s reunion!

Signed, sing, and sung by,

-The Unknown Alias

(Warning: Offer not valid in the Underworld. Go Christians!)


Jith: YEAH I get to bring Bumblefreack BACK!!

M.C.S: Jith we turned him back to normal remember?

Jith: NOOOOOOO! Wait I have an idea Ill shrink them and theyll both be in the bottle but theyll be normalwell as normal as they can get.


Big Chill: Whhatts going on?

Ghostfreack: wonder pets wonder pet were on our way-

Jith: to help a baby animal and save the day were not to big and were not to small but when we work together weve got the right stuff!

Ghostfreack: I wasnt singing that!!

Big Chill: snicker snicker thenn whhatt were yoo singing?!

Azmuth: (he got the sup author duck tape off) I cant believe it you were watching wonder pet!!! (Falls on the floor laughing)

Ghostfreack: When I get out of here Im going to take you over andand make you watch it!! And besides I wasnt watching it I was being tortured!

Big Chill: But why were you singing if you were being tortured!?

Ghostfreack: no comment.

Big Chill: Whhere are wee?

M.C.S: WOW its been a while since we had someone who didnt know what was going on!! But youre in mine and Jiths Question and Dares fic thing. We need a better name then that! And The Unknown Alias want to know what would happen if some aliens were to meet so thats why youre here!

Big Chill: Swweet! Can I have one of those strawberriess?

M.C.S: NO Mine! (Hugs strawberries) My preciousss!!

Big Chill: Sheesh you need to chill dudeET!

Azmuth: Ok lets finish this! Also, can you tie 15 Ben and Charmcaster together and leave them hanging from

a rope bridge over a river of soda? You know, just to torture her for old

time’s sake?

Charmcaster: what kind of soda?!

M.C.S: Grape! No one likes Grape!

Azmuth: Grape soda! I LOVE GRAPE SODA!!!!

M.C.S: well no one but Azmuth!

Azmuth: HAHAHA I get to tie them UP!!

Jith: No you have to say something weird if you want to use your sup author powers!

Azmuth: Oh phooey!!! Wait Charmcaster didnt have to say anything!!!

Jith: Yeah she did! She has to say ZAP! DUH!

M.C.S: OK Azmuth you have to say ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!! (If you have ever seen Sesame Street when Big Bird sees the alphabet thats how you say it!)

Azmuth: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ! tie Ben and Charmcaster together over soda!

M.C.S: Grape soda!

Azmuth: grape soda.


Charmcaster/15 Ben: Oh were over Grape soda what will we do.

Charmcaster: yeah I thought this was supposed to tortureme? So why am I tied up to him?… I didnt mean that the way it sounded!

15 Ben:

Big Chill: snicker snicker your blushing Ben!

15 Ben: no comment

Azmuth: yeah, yeah so he likes her gee who didnt know that? Im finishing the R

Lastly, candy hearts to everyone!

To the holiday of love, and the aniversary of Aerosmith’s reunion!

Signed, sing, and sung by,

-The Unknown Alias

(Warning: Offer not valid in the Underworld. Go Christians!)

Jith: Yuck candy hearts!

M.C.S: (jabs Jith with elbow) Jith be polite! Say thank you!

Jith: (sticks tongue out at M.C.S)

M.C.S: (glares at Jith)

Big Chill: whhos Aerosmith reunion?


Azmuth: Im going to read the next R before M.C.S glares a hole right though Jiths forehead! this R is from followthesmile

Jith: me no see them where are the smiles!?! (Shes talking about the reviewers name followtheSMILE)


Thanks for putting my review in! Sorry if I sounded like a Grammar Natzi

though, guess that’s what really bugs me.I realized that I spelt some things

wrong. Please excuse mine as I wrote that on my iPhone. You guys don’t have an

excuse, take pride in your story. I’m not flamming you just giving you

concrit. How I spelt disappoint cracks me up. You see I study ballet and

Pointe is when you go on your toes. It’s habit that I add an ‘e’ to the word

point. Everything else you can blame on my phone.

– K A T R I N A


Jith/M.C.S: Sure blame the phone.

Jith: yeah its never the persons fault its always the machine!


Azmuth: wow at the rate were going will be done in time for dinner!

M.C.S: Um Azmuth weve been doing this chapter for about 2 months, will be lucky if were done by today!

Azmuth: you mean I missed dinner?!

Jith: yeah about 306 dinners!

Azmuth: AH!

Charmcaster: could you just read the R Im getting bored up here.

M.C.S: OH here! (Hands R to Charmcaster)

Charmcaster: this R is from Cross

Cross: You guys are SO DEAD!

Gabriel: And what is your plan?

Cross: Flaming them of course! Bring in the flames! FLAME TIME!

Gabriel: ‘suddenly sweatdrops’ You. Shouldn’t have said that…

‘suddenly, an explosion occurs and everyone is blown away. when the smoke

clears, there is a figure in a starscanner magma colored battlesuit with a long red


Flame: ALRIGHT! Who called the exterminator!

Cross: OH **!

Flame: ‘notices where he is’ Wait a minute. This isn’t a warzone…WHO IN THE


Cross: AH! ‘runs away’

Flame: YOU! ‘speeds up to Cross’ Starburn kick! ‘his right foot burns in blue

fire and he kicks cross out of the atmosphere as a burning streak’ NOT DONE

YET! HIDDEN ART! METEOR! ‘a meteor intercepts Cross’s flight and he gets hit

and falls back to Earth then the meteor falls on him’ ‘Flame turns his back on

the explosion, his scarf fluttering in the breeze’

Gabriel: Ouch. That has GOT to HURT!

Crimson: ‘comes in and notices the destruction’ I came at a bad time didn’t


Gabriel: Yup.

Crimson: Poor Cross. It’s gonna take a long time for him to heal from that.

And that is if he’s still alive…

Flame: This is somekind of dare story right? Well, I’m gonna go and make a

few dares. Wait for my private message! ‘SUPER EVIL LAUGH’

Gabriel and Crimson: ‘shivers’

Jith: we waited for your PM but you didnt send oneor is M.C.Ss PM turned off again?

Azmuth: HEY theres no dare or question in this one!!

Jith: and if M.C.Ss is turned off you can PM me I know my is on!


Azmuth: another R and its from Master Hut

LOL! NICE CHAPTER! Ok i dare u guys to give the black ninja (and no u can’t

dress up as him/her or pretend to be it) 20 POUNDS OF CHOCALATE!MUAHAHAHAHAAnd

watch what happens hehe. AND NO LOOPHOLES!You got me on the last with that. U r very smart.

And dare everyone to anger MCS until she EXPLODES!BWAHAHAHAHAH (by the way she can explode anything hint hint wink wink) and again no loopholes. And for pluto for sure it was known as a planet so howbout i dare u admit it WAS a

planet at least,NO LOOPHOLES.

well i think i got that no loophole clear. and lastly a question, what do u

guys think my name means and yes it can be hilarious, offensive, whateve. PPMS

Jith: OK time to give the Ninja his chocolate! (Puts 20 pounds of chocolate down and waits for Ninja)

Ghostfreack: how do you know hes even gonna come?

Jith: cause we have all this chocolate (turns and sees Black Ninja drop the last wrapper in a perfectly neat pile)

Big Chill: Hhow did hhhe do that?

Black Ninja:(bows and runs off and vanishes into background)

Big Chill: freaky!!

Azmuth: OK so nothing happed. The next part of the dare is

And dare everyone to anger MCS until she EXPLODES!BWAHAHAHAHAH (by the way she can explode anything hint hint wink wink) and again no loopholes

Jith: OOO I know how to make her explode I know how to make her explode!!

Grandpa Max: (hes here I he needs to say something) where is M.C.S?

Everyone: HUH?

15 Ben: hey why is that bed shaking!? And can we get down now?!

Charmcaster: Im getting dizzy.

Jith: (walks over and lifts covers and looks under bed and sees M.C.S hiding) why are you under here M?

M.C.S: Cross scares me!

Jith: oh. Well Im gonna make you blow up now!

Vilgax: and how do you plain to make her so angry she blows up?

Jith: oh while Vilgy shes my sister I know everything about her!

Vilgax: dont call me that you pathetic excuse for a life form!!

Azmuth: whoa call the news crew Vilgax didnt call her a farm animal!!

Jith: Now to make M.C.S blow up! (snaps fingers and Masaya Aoyama appears)

Masaya *the cheese head*: Hey who put this gummy worm in this meadow of flowers!? Thats littering!!!


Sushi Guy: M.C.S blows up and when the smoke clears she is wearing the scariest hitman outfit-

Jith: HitWOman!!

Sushi Guy: fine scariest hitWOman

15 Ben: thats politically incorrect because gentlemen dont hit woman.

Charmcaster: and what do you call when we fight!!?

Sushi Guy: Shush and let me finish! Anyways shes wearing the scariest hitwoman outfit you ever did see with the words Masaya Aoyama Must DIE!!

M.C.S: Tree hugging Hippie Masaya Aoyama must DIE!!! (shoots Masaya and he blows up)

Jith: YEAH Masaya Aoyama is deyou turned him into a flower!

M.C.S: (shes now back in her pink princess of perkiness outfit) watch! (pick flower turned Masaya and started taking the pestles off) Masaya dead now hes deader hes dead now hes deader!

Jith: OOO I want to do that! (Takes flowers from M.C.S and shreds it) boy that was FUN! Lets do it again! Masaya Aoyama comes back!


Masaya: OH what just happened?

M.C.S: Masaya Aoyama must die BANG. Hes dead now hes deader hes dead now hes deader!

Jith: OOO again!

Sushi Guy: well this is disturbing I dont want to be on their hate list oh and so you now this is like roadrunner the wolf never dies he just gets blowup and put back togetherbut its probably still hurts!

Azmuth: OK? lets finish the R before they decide to do that to any of us! And for pluto for sure it was known as a planet so howbout i dare u admit it WAS a

planet at least,NO LOOPHOLES.

well i think i got that no loophole clear. and lastly a question, what do u

guys think my name means and yes it can be hilarious, offensive, whateve. PPMS

Jith: HEY genius who did you dare!!

10 Ben: and it doesnt matter if you say no loopholes she makes it her job to find them just to annoy you!

M.C.S: and your name well sorry but I thought you were a boy and when I read Master Hut I think Master Hun from teenage mutant ninja turtles.

Jith: Funny name! and I thought you were a boy too!

Jith/M.C.S: SORRY!


Charmcaster: that ZAP (Charmcaster and 15 Ben are now free)

15 Ben: why didnt you use your sup author powers sooner!?

Charmcaster: cause. And I get to read this R (takes r from Azmuth)


Jith: so you tree hugging hippie do you know Masaya Aoyama?

M.C.S: Jith! You are so rude she already told you shes not a tree hugging hippie!

Jith: thats what she wants you to think!

Charmcaster: back to the R

Funny! Your work is always hilarious!

I dare everyone to act the opposite of what they are for a chapter. I dare

Gwendolyn and M Kevin to get married! And I dare Charmcaster to kiss the Ben

of her choice.



Jith: Im so sorry 1000GreenSun I never should have made fun of your name please forgive me!!

Big Chill: Let me out let me out let me out!!

Ghostfreack: this place is AWESOME!! CAN I LIVE HERE!

Vilgax: flowers for everyone you are nothing what so ever like a farm animal!!

Azmuth: 2 + 2= fish!

Charmcaster: I dont wanna kiss 15 Ben! I wanna kiss Ghostfreack! (note acting opposite this is your faultwait Im the narrator what is my opposite)

Somebody/Somebody else: were lazy we dont care if we get caught!

Sushi Guy: OOOHHHMMMM I busy pondering eternal enlightenment to bother tell everybody what you numskulls are doing!

M.C.S: I will rule the world and there aint nothing you ninnys can do about it!!

Jith: M.C.S thats mean!

Max: Bugs are gross bugs are gross!


Lucky Girl: whats going on? (Note since Lucky Girl and M Kevin came in after everyone was opposite their still the same we just couldnt have them hate each other) 10 Ben why are you narrating?

10 Ben: Because I care about people and helping out and being a heroes not about the glory its about the happiness of others!!

M Kevin: Hmm Hey Ben I want a soda I need it for my happiness!

10 Ben: Ok oh right oh buddy old pal old chum!

M Kevin: you know what Lucky Girl 10 Ben is scare this way!!!


Lucky Girl: (sees that she in a wedding dress and has a ring and sees M Kevin in a tux) OO Kevy were married!!

M Kevin: YEAH! Lets go sweetie! Make me dinner.

Lucky Girl: No.

M Kevin: sorry please make me dinner?

Lucky Girl: Oh OK!

PEEB note opposite!

Ghostfreack: OOO YEAH, YEAH!! We got a review what a joy filled day!! (hes dancing around the bottle his stuck in)

Big Chill: would you stop you idiot!!

Jith: Oh no you guys are in a bottle let me let you out and make you normal size

FOOP note opposite

Ghostfreack: OK the R says Second daughter of Eve

Hehehe! I really wish I could help torture them, it looks like so much fun!

*Looks wistfully at the tortured people.*


Jith: Im not mean and right now Im giving everyone my giant gummy worms and bear to show them how sorry I am!!

Everyone: HAEY note opposite!

Azmuth: (Walks up to 15 Ben) what is this thing?

15 Ben: that would be your arm!

Azmuth: are you sure!?

15 Ben: you know your right it douse look more like a foot!

Azmuth: thank you (walks on hands and walks away!)

15 Ben: wheres Julie? I like Julie!

Everyone: Gasp!

Everyone: good for you we all love Julie here we think shes GREAT (Note opposite, opposite, OPPOSITE)

PEEB not opposite

Vilgax: OOO let me dear friend who looks nothing like a cow

Charmcaster: Sure!

Vilgax: this ones from .Rose

LOL!! I love this story… or whatever it is… so anyway this is the first

story I’m reviewing. Yay!! Oh and I dare you to put Vilgax in a box full of

chop-sticks. Can’t wait for the next chapter!



P.P.S You guys should really debate weather Pluto is a planet or not and see

what the Ben 10 characters think.

M.C.S: Oh joy you reviewed us first yeah whatever. (note opposite)

Jith: YOU MEAN M.C.S! We think its GREAT that .Rose decided to review are weird funny story! We thank you very much.

FOOP note opposite

Vilgax: (Hes now in a box with a lot of chop-sticks) OH hello dear chop-sticks can I give you a flower? Come on now dont be shy. (note way opposite)

M.C.S: HEY! Make it stop raining already and I dont like ichigos! (note way opposite)

Jith: eww chocolate it bad for you and ew its in the grape soda thats bad!! And why should we debate about Pluto were all equal. Please review us again and ask us to do the debate when were not opposite cough um this was um cough not part of the story cough, cough!

Big Chill: Remind me NEVER to let her lie for me!!

Jith: Oh come on Im really good at itI mean oh youre so right!


10 Ben: My fish my beloved fish I get to slap people withbut I dont want to do that. Douse anyone want to slap me!?! (note see Ask Ben 10 chapter 4 Snapping Fingers)

M.C.S: ILL DO IT!!!!

M Kevin: HEY ME TOO! (note he came after opposite ray thingy so he not opposite and dont anyone of you complain about me grammar and what not!)

M.C.S: (grabs fish and hit Ben out cold)

M Kevin: ah nuts. Hey Sushi Guy you what this (holds up fish)

Sushi Guy: AHHHHH Raw dead fish get it away from me!

PEEP what up!

Jith: Thing uh mu whats it CAN TALK!!!!!!

YO note opposite! It couldnt talk before hahaha! Yo I got a review for yall and I gonna rap it to ya!

Everyone: get that R away from HIMIT!!!!

Vilgax: Got itnow what?

M.C.S: Give me that! This R is from xSecret-Magicx


10 Ben to be handcuffed to charmcaster, and both must be dipped in chocolate,

strawberry juice, honey, and marshmellow cream!


Charmcaster: But I wanna be with Ghostfreack!!!

10 Ben: I will do my duty and handcuff myself to Charmcaster!! (puts handcuffs on him and Charmcaster)

Charmcaster: But I dont wanna!!!!

10 Ben: and I will jump in first!!!! (jumps in while dragging Charmcaster and then climes out)

Charmcaster: now look at me I look weird!!!

M.C.S: EWWWW! Juice, honey and marshmallows yuck you eats that stuff (note opposite but you probably knew that so I dont think I need to tell you again)

Jith: its got hair in it! (Jith sees strawberry and pops it in her mouth note she hates them but do it opposite thingy she doesnt hate them and they will make her nuts but not like before and not like M.C.S)

Jith: (Looks at Vilgax) doesnt it take a long time?

Vilgax: long time?

Jith: Yeah from your fur to fallout and grow back again?

Vilgax: I dont have any fur.

Jith: so it douse take a long time!

Vilgax: what are you talking about?

Jith: you know when you fur falls out doesnt it take a long time to grow back? (if you have ever heard Jungle Jam and Friends when Katy went to RazzleFlabben Island at one point she asks this question so if you know what RazzleFlabben Island is youll know what shes talking aboutmaybe)

M.C.S: I notice weve miss a few holidays so heres a big good wish holiday shout out thing!

Jith: Merry Christmas!

Everyone: Happy New Year!!!! Happy Groundhogs Day!!! Happy Valentines Day!!!