Ben 10 Sex

Ben 10 Porn Story: Choices Chapter 3

Ben 10 Porn Story: Choices Chapter 3

Allie…Allie, honey, what happened? Flint looked down at her shaking
off the fog clouding her mind.

Wh…wheres Paul? She scanned the room sitting up.

Paul? Flint asked slightly confused.

I thought I saw Paul? I couldve sworn it was him.

Lifeline looked over at the viewing window and saw Hawk standing there and
went out to him to leave Flint and Lady Jaye alone.

How is she? What happened? Hawk broke his gaze on her and Flint,
turning to face Lifeline the minute he walked out the door.

Shes fine. What happened? I suspect she had some kind of major shock
to her system that caused her to lose consciousness. Lifeline answered
peering back threw the observation window.

But shes going to be alright, right? Paul pushed past Hawk, stepping
closer to Lifeline.

I think…. Lifeline looked him over before turning right back to Hawk
with confusion in his eyes. “Sir?”

Lifeline, this is Major Paul Burnett, Lady Jayes husband. Hawk
introduced the two.

Hu…husband? She never mentioned, Lifeline stammered. “I mean she
tells me a lot. I just never…”

“It’s all right Lifeline,” the Chaplain patted his shoulder. “We all
assumed Paul was dead.”

Dead? Look if shes never said a thing about ever having a husband to
me, Lifeline glared at Paul. How do I know youre who you say you are?
I wont have her upset further! Lifeline raised his voice pointing to

Whats going on out there? Jaye looked towards the observation window
seeing Lifeline with the others. Pauls back was turned towards her.

I dont know. Flint smiled warmly at her. But Ill go find out. He
walked out the door just in time to hear Hawk answer Lifeline.

Hes her husband. His plane went down 5 years ago tomorrow. We all
thought he was dead until Flint and his team rescued him a few weeks back.
Hawk scowled at Lifeline. Let him see her, NOW!

Hawk, Im telling you I dont want her surprised again, Lifeline looked
over his shoulder. Flint?

Whats going on? Flint growled. What did I just hear about her
husband? Flints eyes widen. He reached to stop Paul from entering the
infirmary, Where do YOU think youre going?

Shes my wife! Paul growled.

Flint, stand down! Hawk ordered. Let him go in and see his wife!

Shes not married, Flint protested.

FLINT, STAND DOWN AND LET HIM PASS NOW! Hawk pulled him back. They
stood back watching Paul enter her room.

Jaye was lying with her back to the door when he entered. Flint whats
going on? She slowly turned over looking up at the door when she saw him.
Paul? She stared at him a moment unsure if what she was seeing was real
or not. She reached up to touch his face. Oh my Godit is you? She
smiled slowly at the realization this wasnt a dream. Tears began to flow
down her cheeks. Howthey said you were dead? She choked back a sob.

Yes, Alison, its me. Paul quickly pulled her into his arms. He tried
to kiss her but she pulled away catching what she saw as hurt in his eyes.

I thought you were dead. She cried. They told me you were dead.

Lifeline walked in,Jaye, you can leave as long as you take it easy.

Thanks, Lifeline. Jaye stood up and walked towards the door.

Yeah, thanks, Pal. Paul said over his shoulder as he followed her out.

Flint was about to follow Jaye when Hawk put his hand on his shoulder.
Leave them, Flint. Flint grumbled something and turned and walked in the
opposite direction.

Where are you staying? Jaye asked as they walked.

They put me in the officers quarters. Theres enough room for you there
too. Paul stopped her pulling her around to face him.

I…I cant. Im sorry. Jaye looked down at the ground.

You cant? Why? Alison, Im your husband. He turned her to face him.

I know that! She snapped then softened. Its just that…that this is
so sudden. One minute I think youre dead and the next you are right hear
with me. I need some time.

Does this Flint have anything to do with it? Paul asked with slight

Jaye turned and started walking again. Im not going to lie to you Paul.
Flint and I have been together for 2 m years. I care very deeply for

Paul tried to hide his hurt from his wife but it didnt work. She saw it
anyway. I understand. They stopped at the foot of the stairs leading to
the womens quarters. Ill see you later. Go and rest.

Jaye turned and went upstairs. She wasnt surprised to see Flint standing
at her door. Hey. She said quietly. The hurt and jealousy that Flint
felt was masked by his calm expression but when she walked up to him he
couldnt hide it in his voice.

I thought you were divorced, Allie?

I never said that. You asked if I was married and I told you, not any
more. Jaye tried to defend herself.

Which lead me to believe you were divorced. Flint went into her
quarters after she opened the door. How come you never told me?

Jaye plopped down onto the couch in the living area of her and Scarletts
shared apartment and put her head in her hands. When we first met I was
still hurting very badly over his death and then the loss of our baby I was
carrying a month after that. I still couldnt bring myself to admit it.
Then when we got closer it didnt seem to matter so much. Dont
misunderstand I loved Paul very muchbut I hurt I felt lessened the more
time we spent together. You never brought the subject of my marriage up
again and I didnt want to revisit old ghosts. She sighed, shaking her

Flint walked over and sat down beside her. He put an arm protectively
around her and pulled her to him. What are you going to do?

She leaned against him. I dont know.

Allie, youre not going back to him are you? Flint asked with a hint of
desperation in his voice.

Dash, please I need to think. Jaye begged.

But Allie… Flint began to protest.

Jaye shot up from the couch and stood before him. What do you expect of
me Dash?!? Im Catholic. I was raised with a strict Catholic upbringing.
I took vows with him.

You arent that strict a Catholic, he shot back when his pager went off.
Ive gotta go. Can we talk later, please? I dont want to fight with you
about Paul but I dont want to throw what we have awayI love you, Allie,
he pulled her to him gently kissing her before he stepped back. Allie?

Surelater, she nodded opening the door.

Flint passed Paul in the hall on his way to the Control Room. Paul was on
his way to see Jaye. The two glared at each other but do not exchange

Several hours later Flint went to meet Jaye for dinner as usual at the
mess. Picking up his tray, he headed for their usual table off to the side
but stopped short spotting Paul sitting with her. Sighing heavily, he took
his tray over to sit with Duke before stealing one more glance at her with
Paul. He thought to himself, Choose well, loveI dont want to lose you
but if you want him.