Ben 10 Sex

Ben 10 Porn Story: Cold Comfort Chapter 3

Ben 10 Porn Story: Cold Comfort Chapter 3


Oh my God, its finally here! Faints

seriously I am soooooooo sorry for making you all wait such a stupid
amount of time for this chapter, my excuse is Ive just started
college (O.o; scary!) and the fact that I found this chapter
incredibly hard to write; honestly character development, flashbacks,
scene-jumping, all that hard stuff is right here.

now that my pathetic excuse for an apology is over I want to thank
all my wonderful reviewers for their lovely encouraging comments
which were the main reason I got off my procrastinating butt and
continued to write. So kudos, kudos to you all, this chapter is
dedicated to all of you! ^_^

without any further ado; on with the show! :D

Humungosaur trod on the disclaimer telling you I dont own Ben
10: Alien Force
never have and never will.

a split second of total shock, Kevin reacted
predictably to Bens sudden embrace by shoving the young hero back
so violently that he landed unceremoniously on his backside.

the HELL did you just do that for Tennyson?! Kevin roared
furiously, muffling his livid shout slightly by unconsciously
scrubbing his lips with his hand as if they had been covered with
something disgusting.

made no reply, merely lay back
propped up on his elbows.

asked you a question Tennyson! Kevin yelled again, stepping
closer to him but ignoring his instinct to grab Ben by his jacket a
drag him up into his face (being any nearer to the others lips was
not somewhere Kevin wanted to be in the present circumstances).

young Xenomorph still said nothing, just stared vacantly up at the
furious mutant. Even as his rage swelled at seemingly being ignored,
the Kevin noticed how glassy the others eyes were.

looks stoned. Kevin thought disgustedly, forcing himself to stop
childishly rubbing at his lips, but he knew that was ridiculous; the
chances that Ben Tennyson would ever touch any kind of drugs were
about as good as Vilgax opening lost puppy and kitten shelter.

tried to force himself to calm down, something hed never been at
all good at. What Ben had
just done had shaken him to his core and every fibre of his being
wanted to react as he normally did to feelings of confusion and fear;
by surrendering control to his formidable temper. Right now though he
knew giving in to the anger he felt at Bens bizarre action would
just make everything a whole lot worse than it already was.

the ex-con was wrestling for control over himself, Ben seemed to come
out of his strange torpor a little, wrinkling his brow and bringing a
hand up to his eyes as if
he was suffering from a headache.

a minute, Kevin thought suddenly, thats not bad. He
stooped forward as far as he dared to get a closer look at the
younger teen; his cheeks were flushed and his skin slicked with sweat
as if he was suffering from a nasty fever. Yeah, if Tennyson was sick
his horrific behaviour could be explained away as a result of it.
People did weird things all the time when they were sick, right?

annoying voice began to tell him that this was probably just wishful
thinking, but Kevin quickly shoved it to the back of his mind. Yes,
everything was OK now (well aside from being trapped under several
tons of solid rock and having what looked like a reject from the
effects set splattered all over you) Tennyson hadnt meant to
him, he was just out of his mind with some freaky illness, maybe from
the alien goo? Kevin didnt know, he was just glad to have such a
reasonable explanation of the others freakish actions.

that out of the way, what should they do now?

slightly with
the strain, Gwen shifted a particularly heavy boulder away from the
newly formed wall and dumped it behind them. Max had gotten back half
an hour ago with a force-field projector to hold up the unstable
ceiling and a portable digger which powered by some sort of alien
tech which was cracking rocks like stale chips. Even with these tools
and her powers however, Gwen saw how painfully slowly they were
making progress (was this rock wall ever going to end?) and this
worried her greatly.

Kevin, she thought desperately as more rocks were tossed aside by
her glowing Manna, were coming as fast as we can, please hold

brief moment of consideration later, Kevin decided it was best if
they just continued to wait until the Omnitrix regained power and
then use Big Chill to make their escape. Not that the idea of having
Bens arms wrapped around him as he carried the dark mutant pleased
him that much, but what else could they do? Even if Kevin could break
the boulders trapping them, there was a very good chance those same
rocks were at least for then forming a barrier that was protecting
them from being crushed.

this conclusion was reached Kevin, still resolutely clinging on to
the idea that Bens odd actions had been caused by some sort of
illness, had (rather sharply) ordered him to lie down on a large slab
of rock that was unsullied by the alien goo and try to rest. The
young hero had complied without saying a word, seemingly still in
shock over what he had done.

a time (Kevin wasnt sure how long, it was difficult to tell
minutes from hours in the gloom of the cave) the ex-con had tried
to continue thinking about their situation and the best way to react
(more importantly what to tell Gwen) but unfortunately Kevin liked to
pace when he thought and the slippery, rubbery alien mucus sticking
and squelching around his boots whenever he took a step put him off
quickly. Standing stationary was no fun either as the loathsome slime
seemed to able to work its way into the tiniest crevice of his boots,
they already seemed to be half full of the stuff, besides his legs
were beginning to cramp up.

a very lengthy scan (or three) of the caverns interior for other
options Kevin gave up, stomped over to Bens slab and perched on
its side as far away from the Xenomorph as he could be.

uncomfortably half on, half off a cold slab in almost total darkness
(Kevin guessed the torch had about a half hour left at most) the
older teen tried not to think about Ben, their situation or anything
to do with either. This proved almost impossible as everything he
tried to use to take his mind of them was quickly swallowed up by
these two very pressing worries. Even his beloved Camaro couldnt
keep his mind off Ben for more than a minute.

though a memory bloomed through clear and strong and before he knew
it for
the first time in almost seven years Kevin found himself thinking
about Goonie.

course Goonie hadnt been his real name. That, the other had
once told him, was one on the things that had been left behind when
he ran away from home.

you live on the streets the last thing you need is unnecessary
baggage slowing you down,
had told him, his odd crooked grin on his face, and
thats all names are Kev my friend.
supposed in some ways he had been right.

met Goonie quite shortly after hed abandoned his family for the
freedom of the streets. Only it was often not at all like that, the
streets of New York were often cold, usually indifferent and always
dangerous. Kevin learnt bitterly quickly that the only person you
could really depend on to always be looking out for you first and
foremost was yourself.

also learned quickly that one of the only ways to survive other than
begging (and Kevin was far too proud to ever stoop to that)
was to steal. Money was always best, but green was usually only
available in the thick of the mass populous and every self-respecting
thief knows that the safest, if not the easiest, way to steal was to
avoid others as much as you possibly could, so Kevin usually struck
storage places where security was normally low.

was on one of those nights when hunger pains had drawn him out to
search for a likely place to lift a few things that he and Goonie

of the others presence, both boys had stumbled onto an unlucky
corner store that was the target of one of New Yorks lesser street
gangs desire for alcohol without paying for it. The two had hung
back in the slimy darkness of an adjoining back alley while the thugs
had smashed their way in through the stores back entrance. After
the robbers had hightailed it with their stolen booze and cigarettes,
the two scavengers had both run up to the broken door in hopes of
grabbing an easy meal before the cops showed up.

each other as they both stuffed food into the stores own bags,
(robbers often shared the same location accessed by gang violence,
getting territorial was pointless as it only slowed you down and made
it more likely to get away with less or even worse, not get away at
all) and
followed the gangs example by bidding a hasty retreat.

probably would have been the extent of their knowing each other if
the two of them hadnt, by perfect chance, chosen the same burnt
out apartment building to hide out in when the sirens began blaring
in the distance.

initially heated confrontation, theyd started to talk.

back on it now
Kevin was surprised at how easily theyd become friends, he didnt
exactly have the best track record when it came to interacting well
with others. He supposed Goonie must have been lonely.

dark mutant wondered if that last assumption had applied to him too.

he hadnt protested much when Goonie suggested teaming up to hit a
parking lot and steal some car stereos and hubcaps to sell to one of
the gangs hed dealt with before. That heist had gone down well,
the two young thieves notching up five beauties and selling them to
one of Goonies contacts for enough dough to keep them well
for several weeks.

that theyd become a skilled burgling team and firm friends. Goonie
had been on the streets for years and taught Kevin many vital
survival skills, a lot of which he still relied heavily on to this

tall and lanky with a mess of dirty-blonde hair and out-sized feet,
lived in an old factory on the docks, deserted for almost a decade
after a renovation program had lost its funding and moved to the
other side of the city. Here the street-kid had made a makeshift home
for himself; bothered by no one but a few colonies of cockroaches and
rats. Hed made it as liveable as he could, with an old mattress in
the back to sleep on and a scattering of old appliances including an
old Xbox with cracked casing and a collection of Sumo Slammer games
that Kevin had loved.

for a while it had worked, the two runaways had lived there quite
contentedly, stealing whatever they needed to survive and
occasionally doing odd jobs for petty cash from gangs. In time Kevin
had even felt comfortable enough to reveal his powers to Goonie who
had been totally in awe.

realized that that was probably the first time in his relatively
short life since his powers first emerged that he had been properly

didnt last long. Not much did for Kevin it seemed, good or bad.

dark teen slowly stretched out his right arm (which had been falling
asleep) and grimaced at the unpleasant sensation as blood and feeling
gushed back into the numbed appendage. He didnt want to remember
what had happened next, but his memory had been opened like a
floodgate and with nothing in the black cavern to distract him, all
the past events he had worked hard to forget were pouring out in a

didnt want to relive what had befallen to one of the first people
hed possessed genuine affection for; unfortunately he hadnt
been getting a lot of what he wanted that day.

had been a perfectly ordinary night for them. With the help of
Kevins powers the two had successfully broken into one of the
storage lockers at a local Wal-Marts loading bay and lifted a
decent stash of food and a crate of beer and sat back at the factory
enjoying their spoils and Goonies seemingly bottomless trove of
dirty jokes and stories.

the blackness of the cavern the side of Kevins mouth quirked
upwards into a grin. His friend had always been a total trash-mouth;
always full of some
of the most hilarious (or disgusting depending on your taste in
jokes) things Kevin had ever heard.

night the subject had been, as it quite often was, girls.

tellin you bro, when she drooped that popsicle on her tits and
then tried to rub it off,

Goonie had reminisced grinning widely from his sprawled position in
an old armchair, man,
I thought I was gonna fuckin die of blue-balls.

slightly trash-mouthed himself from the beer, had sniggered and
replied; Yeah
and thats all youll ever get Goon, remember what happened when
she saw your sorry ass staring?

made a face, Hey
dont be a hater man, she just didnt want her prick-master
boyfriend knowing she dug me.

other laughed outright at this and continued to his friend, Sure
Goon, keep telling yourself that but dont worry,
paused grinning evilly, maybe,
just maybe, one day youll catch a chick with her gaydar off.

had expected his friend to laugh and maybe throw his beer at him,
what he got was his Goonies good-natured grin to turn, with the
speed of a blown light bulb, to blackly furious.

the Hells that supposed to mean Kevin?
had growled his voice suddenly cold and abrupt.

had replied, too taken aback by Goonies uncharacteristic sudden
shift in moods to be angry at it, I
was just joking.

well, it was a pretty fucking stupid joke.
spat back, the anger in his voice very audible, Why
the fuck would you joke about shit like that?!
then he was shouting.

on Goon,
had said, his hot temper beginning to flare, we
joke about stuff like this all the time, why the Hell are you getting
so pissy over this?

usually laid-back, humorous friend had simply given him a furious
glare, slammed down his beer can and stalked away to the mattress
where hed lain down with his back to Kevin and refused to say

had stayed on his side of the factory that night and the next morning
Goonie had already gone out when hed awoken.

boy had stayed away for all of that day and whend hed returned
late the next night (jacket pockets stuffed with bills from stolen
wallets) neither had mentioned the odd incident and by the next
morning life was almost back to its
normal routine.

was one good thing about living on the streets, Kevin recalled
rubbing a stray fleck of dust out of his eye, life was so busy and
demanding that it was easy to forget things if you wanted to.

so much now when all he had to distract him in the blind gloom of
their prison was the sound of Bens soft breathing

to remember how
quickly and easily his friend had been taken from him, easy to recall
how his own actions had influenced the sequence of events leading up
to Goonies final curtain call.

two of them had been out on one of their usual shopping trips
when theyd happened to run into the same
two girls Goonie had been watching that strange night. They were
standing in the illuminated floodlit glow at the edge of a Wal-Mart
parking lot and chatting with two guys, one of whom Kevin recognized
as one of their boyfriends.

not-too-pretty run in with the girls before, Goonie had tried to
quietly leave without being spotted. Unfortunately as bad luck would
have it one of the girls happened to turn her head to flick her bangs
out of her eyes at just the wrong moment and caught sight of the two
before they could go ten paces.

catty smile instantly stretching itself across her face, she had
nudged her friend and jerked her head towards them. A series of rapid
fire whispers had followed ending in a high pitched giggle from both

man lets go.
had muttered a hot flush crawling up his neck. Grabbing Kevins arm
he begun to drag him away (gesturing at the girls with his eyebrows
at his friends questioning look) when a large hand had fallen on
his shoulder, halting their progress.

whered you get off tryin to score with my girlfriend boy?

The first girls boyfriend drawled, jerking Goonie around to face
him. He was a large youth well into his late teens with a nose that
looked like it had been broken at least once and a tattoo of a spider
on his right cheek; his hard face wore an expression of predatory

audibly, Goonie had replied in a dry croak; Look
man, it wasnt like that, I was just-


my girlfriend a liar?
large teens loud drawl cut Goonie off, his grip tightening
painfully making the smaller blond wince, Or
are you just sayin Im stupid?

turned his head and called over his shoulder, Hey
Duke! Get over here! Guy wants to tell you youre stupid to your

friend, black and taller with a more wiry build, a shaved head and
small cramped eyes, had grinned and crossed over the street to them
in a few strides and quickly taken hold of Goonies other shoulder.

on the bro,
still nameless first thug had begun, squeezing Goonies shoulder
hard enough to make the bones click together, tell
Duke how my girlfriends a lyin ho and Im a fuckin retard.

of sweat appearing on his forehead, Goonie had stared at the sidewalk
and said nothing. The girls had watched, smirking.

on dude,
joined in, his grin stretching wider exposing a cracked front tooth,

still kept silent, his eyes darting back and forward searching for an
escape route.

thats not very friendly is it Duke?
boys first aggressor had said in mock hurt, Guess
well have to teach this little fag some-

Goonies head had jerked as if hed been slapped, Im
not a fag!
interrupted with a hotly, Im

unnerved by his previously submissive victims sudden flare of
attitude, his captor glared and snarled, Shut
the fuck up you little dipshit!

had glared right back, his previous fear evaporated in favour of a
new almost hysterical hot fury. You
shut up cock-sucker! Im not a fag and if you think I am youre
even more of a fuckin retard than you look!

thugs face had twisted with rage and in a flash he had slammed
Goonie up against a wall and plunged his hand into his jacket pocket,
withdrawing something which gleamed in the orange glow of the street

in his anger-fuelled defiance, Goonies eyes had gone wide with
terror at the sight of the thug flicking open four inches of switch

awful blade jerked forward, Goonie screamed but it was quickly
drowned out by the thugs own howl of agony.

of course Kevin hadnt just been standing idly by whilst all this
had been happening. Oh no, recognizing that
this was a situation that could get very bad very fast, the young
mutant had quietly backed away when the thug had grabbed his friends
shoulder and placed an energy absorbing palm against an ATM machine.
Hed managed to build up enough power just as the teen had whipped
out the knife and had hurled an agonizing electric shock straight
between his shoulder blades.

thug screamed in the terrible pain and surprise, releasing Goonie and
crashing backwards onto the sidewalk, the dropped knife skittering
away into the road. Across the road the girls screamed.

waiting for the teen to recover, Kevin had grabbed Goonie (shaken
from the near miss and tail-end of the shock) and torn off down an

tormentors hadnt given chase and the two were soon safely back at
their factory.

shaken and gasping for breath, Kevin had been the first to recover
and speak, What
the fuck were you doing back there ma?! Why didnt you just keep
your goddamn mouth shut?! He couldve killed you!

on his back with his hands
grasped over his banging heart and his eyes closed on the dusty floor
Goonie hadnt replied straight away. Just as Kevin was beginning to
wonder if hed fainted from the ordeal, hed defiantly replied,
care, that guy shouldnt have said that stuff, he was out of line.

made a furious noise in his throat, Are
you fucking crazy you stupid asshole!! Who cares what that prick
said, he could have fucking
he hadnt been so wiped from the fast use of his powers and the run
back he would have considered throttling his stubborn moron of a

his Kevins rage Goonie had opened his eyes to stare levelly at him
maddening calmness and conviction, and repeated, He
shouldnt have said those things, it was wrong.

in exhausted frustration Kevin had
left his friend lying on the floor and storm outside to try and calm

had taken longer that time, Kevin remembered, things hadnt gotten
back to normal for at least a week and like last time after their
initial confrontation, the subject was avoided like the plague.
Eventually after many furious looks and long periods of uncomfortable
silence, the two managed to get back to a reasonable level of
cordiality with each other, indeed only ten days later Goonie was
able to laugh the incident off as risks of the trade with a
grin that didnt quite reach his eyes.

week later he was dead.

squeezed his eyes further shut as an unfamiliar prickle spread
through them. Theyd caught him, alone and helpless in a fucking
public bathroom. Goonie had apparently gone in for a cheap pack of
cigarettes from the machine, Duke and his nameless friend had had the
same idea.

ex-con ground his teeth painfully in the dark to try and distract
himself from the increasingly worse prickling under his eyelids. It
was so goddamned unfair! Of all the bathrooms in New York, of all the
times his friend could have gone in, Fate had chosen to throw a
stupid, defenceless kid with his murderers that day. Hed stood no
chance and the two thugs had made him pay for his attitude by beating
him mercilessly till the gray floor tiles had turned red.

found out later from a business associate that had been at the scene
when they took his friend out in a body bag that Goonie had died at
the scene from severe head trauma caused by repeated blows to the
back of his skull. His killers had literally battered him to death
with their bare hands.
An eyewitness had seen them fleeing the scene covered in blood and
reported it to the police. The two were arrested the same day, Kevin
never found out what happened to either of them.

never returned to the factory on the docks, but found a new hang-out
in an abandoned subway station.

months later he met Ben Tennyson for the first time.

Goonies voice seemed to ring out in Kevins head as clear as the
day hed
first heard it, And
the rest as they say, Kevin my man, is history.

history, from the day he met Ben everything he was had become in some
way connected to the green-eyed hero. He had become Kevins
obsession, a focus for his seemingly bottomless rage which gave the
eternal down-spiral of his life a purpose and a direction that
prevented him from losing himself to its misery. Now however that
ferocity and lust for revenge had been contained by the shared
mission the two of them found themselves pursuing, not to mention his
feelings for Gwen who, he imagined, would not take kindly to Kevin
showing anything above a subdued animosity towards her much loved

stifled a sigh as he relaxed his jaw (his teeth aching from keeping
them clenched too long) and opened his eyes to the dark, glad to find
the prickling feeling had mostly vanished. He wasnt cut out for
this kind of thing, hed always solved his
problems with anger and force and this had hardened him to his own
emotions or the memory of them. His thoughts were soon inevitably
drawn back to the other beside him; despite his trying to convince
himself that Tennyson had been out of his mind todo that
him, a traitorous voice still wondered incessantly if this was just
wishful thinking and, if so, why had Ben done it?

Tennyson have an actual thing for me? Kevin thought with a sort of
horrified curiosity.

to make as little noise as possible, the ex-con rose up slowly on one
shoulder and leaned over to stare at Bens back. Hed never
thought of the hero as anything but an enemy, an annoying
inconvenience and an uneasy friend, hed never really looked
him before. Now he was however he could see how others would find Ben
attractive. His build was slender but not scrawny like he had been as
a ten year old, which masked a fit physique gained from years of
soccer and alien dodging. His face was quite soft for a boy with
smooth pale cheeks and only his fathers chin to add the edge that
stopped it becoming feminine. His hair was a soft chestnut brown
which set off his eyes, which were that strange sharp green that had
often haunted Kevin with their gleam, which betrayed intelligence and
determination but could also shine with love and compassion in a
single blink. Yes, lots of people could find Ben Tennyson very

felt his face heat up for the third time that day as he realised what
his disturbingly detailed inner-monologue had caused to happen
physically between his thighs. Damn, where had that

perfect, the dark mutant thought furiously as he tried
to will his arousal away, now Im
cracking up as well as Johnny Quest over there.

if he could hear him, Ben shifted in his sleep and let out a moan.
Kevin was horrified to find that at this his
erection stiffened even more.

the hell is wrong with me?! he thought beginning to seriously
panic, I cant be hard over Ben Tennyson! Were not even
really friends, I still hate him! I hate him!!

body didnt take the slightest notice of his frantic thoughts
however, and his mind decided to betray him by bringing back the
memory of the infamous kiss. Ben had crushed his lips against his
with none of the gentleness or hesitance hed experienced with the
girls hed embraced previously, even with his soft features the
young heros kiss had felt decidedly male.

you liked it!

a rogue voice in his head suddenly taunted, no
matter what lies you try to

yourself, you liked being kissed by Ben Tennyson!

Kevin growled, unaware hed begun speaking out loud, I hated it
and I hate him.

all you want, but in the end youre only fighting against what you
know to be true.
voice gloated.

snarled, he was this
to losing it in a big way beating Tennyson to a bloody pulp
seemed like a good way to start. Unfortunately hed obviously made
too much noise as a moment later Bens voice sounded quietly,

dark mutant made no reply, his hard-on was getting worse. He closed
his eyes against the ache of growing need, it had never been like
this before when hed been turned on, this was almost painful.

still didnt react when he sensed the other teen shifting beside
him, didnt flinch when he felt the warmth of Bens hand close
around his own.

his skin hot his entire body trembling, the young hero pulled Kevin
hand around to his front and guided it down between his jean clad
thighs where the ex-con felt first an eminence of heat and then the
stiff proof of Bens own arousal.

an instant Kevin was up from his sprawled position on the rock and
roughly jerking Ben over onto his back so he could straddle the
smaller teen,
pressing him down with his body onto the unyielding rock. Ben didnt
protest, on the contrary he let out a small kind of mewling sound
laced with a desperate need that made Kevins blood burn, and
wrapped his arms around the ex-cons neck pulling him down even

in kind, Kevin thrust his face against Bens throat licking and
sucking at the exposed skin, he bit down harshly and Ben gasped and
bucked his hips letting his head fall back exposing even more to
Kevins ravenous tongue and teeth.
Even this was not enough though as the dark mutant let loose an
animalistic growl and roughly shoved Ben over onto his back and
yanked his jeans down.

hadnt had enough yet, but hed have it soon.

undetermined amount of time later Kevin began to stir back to

despite a very uncomfortable sleeping arrangement he felt brilliant,
hed slept better than he had in years and well he just plain felt

is, until he opened his eyes and saw Ben Tennysons naked torso
pressed warmly against his own as the other was still sprawled over
him after the act which suddenly bludgeoned into Kevins memory.

Shit! Buggery, fuck nooooo!!
ex-cons mind howled, What the hell did we do? What the hell am
I gonna do now?!

as if he could hear Kevins inner tirade Ben began to stir,
frowning in his lightening sleep. Panicking, Kevin scooted backwards
and dragged his shirt back on (hed pulled his pants back up after
theyd finished thank God).

Ben croaked groggily his throat sounding very dry, What happened?

Tennyson, the dark mutant began in a choking voice, about what
happened here-

Ben interrupted suddenly, Wheres my shirt? Why am I half

Kevin gawped intelligently.

happened? Ben repeated managing to locate his errant black tee and
struggle back into it.

meanyou dont remember? Kevin asked unbelievingly, squashing
a tiny feeling that seemed suspiciously like annoyance at this

young hero brought a hand up to his forehead and grimaced. All I
remember is fighting
that Piscciss Volann, falling down here and looking for a way out,
then nothing. He opened his acidic eyes and stared questioningly
at Kevin, Did I hit my head or something?

the first few seconds the ex-con only managed to mouth silently
before suddenly seeming to come back to himself with a jerk.
Eryeah, you um, got knocked out when we fell down here. I took
off your shirt to check you hadnt broken your ribs or anything
he finished falteringly. Youre fine though.

smiled gratefully at him, Thanks Kev andIm really sorry
about what I said before, he continued lowering his gaze
shamefully, I didnt mean a word of it, youre part of our
team now and we couldnt get on without you! He finished by
looking up at Kevin again and smiling sweetly.

dark mutant opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted by a
rumbling roar as the a metal tip broke through the ceiling of the
cavern, the boulders it displaced being quickly caught and suspended
by a sheet of familiar pink energy. A second later Maxs head,
covered in an attractive coat of slime and dust, peered through. His
face broke into a relieved beam when he saw the two of them.

Kevin! Are you two alright? the retired Plumber called down to

were fine Grampa! Ben called back happily, Just help us out
of here!

nodded and pulled back into the tunnel, a moment later Gwen, looking
equally as tired and dishevelled, replaced him and quickly created a
large disk of pink
Manna that floated the two teens up to the opening. As soon as they
were close enough Gwen through her arms around Ben and let several
tears squeeze from under her eyelids.

God youre OK, she gulped face still buried in Bens chest,
we thought you might have been she couldnt finish.

Max put a fatherly hand on Kevins shoulder, Were so glad to
know youre alright, he may have had trouble accepting the
former criminal
but the thought of his death was still appalling. Did anything
happen down there?

opened his mouth to reply then paused; he looked at Max and Gwen and
finally Ben who was rubbing Gwens back in a soothing way as she
tried to keep her composure.

as Max helped him into the tunnel, he replied, No, nothing
happened at all.

of Chapter Three

Whoo! Another chappie down! Thanks for being patient enough to read
this far ^^;

yeah and about the sex scene, yes they did do the full dirty but its
not there in hardcore detail for two reasons; one Im worried about
the rating and I really dont want my first story to get deleted
for too graphic content and two Im really not that good at writing
explicit stuff yet, seriously Ive been trying for ages and all my
attempts were justbad and I thought Id kept you guys waiting
too long already to stretch it even further just for something that
wouldnt be that great anyway. But dont worry loyal perverts
(and I totally include myself in that! XD), if and when I get better
at it Ill put it up, maybe not here but somewhere! :D

next time (which will hopefully not take as long as this time but you
can never tell XD) toodles!