Ben 10 Sex

Ben 10 Porn Story: Slugish – Chapter 7

Ben 10 Porn Story: Slugish – Chapter 7

I don’t own Ben10AlienForce

It was the beginning of a four day
weekend, and with nothing to do but a english report(which he was
most likely going to put off until the last minute, and barely pass)
on some Maya Angelou, his mind wandered to Kevin. Of course he
quickly tried to put an end to that by learning more about Ms. Maya.
But almost every other poem of hers he read reminded Ben of Kevin. It
was truly aggravating. So he stopped reading and decided to text
JacJac. She had become an important edition to his life. Both of them
agreed to disagree about everything excluding the fact that they were
both totally against anyone saying they were a cute couple.



nutin. just bored.

o.i disgree. u think bout Kev.

JacJac’s ability to read Ben like a
book was annoying and interesting at the same time.


rly? ur lyin

…ur face is lyin

ur mom is lyin


nm. we still go SK on fri 4 study?


K. i go bed now.



Ben mind still wandered. He really
thought about doing his report, but there was much better things to
do. He began working on the creative writing stories for extra
credit. He started at 11:37 p.m., wrote 4 short stories, then checked
the time. It was 12:47 am. He almost cared, but felt to tired to
move. So as he lay his head on the bottom of his bed, with the top of
his head touching the laptop he had been writing on, he closed his
eyes, inadvertently thought of Kevin, and went to sleep.

God Kevin!” Ben cried as Kevin t-

Kevin woke up violently. That dream had
been a bit to intense. A saying slowly drifted into his head as he
made his way down stairs. ‘If you are the last person a person thinks
about before they go to sleep, you will have a dream about that
person.’ As Kevin washed his hands. “Ben thought about me before
he went to sleep…yeah…right.”


(1) sorry if the text messages annoyed