Ben 10 Sex

Ben 10 Porn Story: Aroceptian Gathering Chapter 1

Ben 10 Porn Story: Aroceptian Gathering Chapter 1

Gwen fell to the ground. Her jeans covered in white dust from the debris on the ground. She heard another crash. A red figure came crashing through the ceiling. Fourarms landed on the floor with a loud thud.


3 hours earlier

The Rust Bucket pulled up to a large brick house. Its second story windows were boarded up and there were black scorch marks on the tiled roof. Grandpa Max opened the Rust Buckets squeaky rusted door. After, a young boy with brown hair and a cute grin and emerald green eyes stepped out onto the houses front lawn. He was followed by a young girl with orange hair, a blue t-shirt and shining emerald eyes. So this was the crash site? Gwen looked to Ben. Ohhh yeah!

Grandpa Max knocked down the door with a swift kick. The inside of the house was extremely scorched and blackened and it was hard to breathe without coughing. So what species were these aliens again? Gwen asked. Aroceptians! Grandpa Max started. Apparently one Aroceptian already lived here with his human wife and children. I dont know what the others wanted, but according to some information from a while ago, the Aroceptians have been grouping together in small communities on other planets, about 5 years after their home planet Aroceptia had been self destroyed.

Ben interrupted. Wait, why would they want to destroy their ownplanet? he looked at his Grandpa inquisitively. Well of course they didnt want to; it was an accident of course. You see the Aroceptians have the ability to latch themselves onto anything and sought of control it, make it their own, living or non-living! A city of them attempted the ultimate task of literally controlling their own planet, becoming one with it as to learn the secrets of the galaxies! he sighed heavily. Unfortunately they tried a bit too hard and the planet tore itself apart. They were able to escape to other planet by riding comets by controlling them with their abilities. Oh OK! Ben replied. So some even landed on Earth and settled down here? Yeah exactly! Gwen stepped in Well they wouldve had to go wherever their comets landed really!

But that still doesnt answer the question of why they had attacked this house and kidnapped its residents. She continued. Well you did say they had been grouping together lately, so maybe they had all gone off to their meeting place or whatever. Ben added. Yeah a forceful, fireball invitation to the country club! Gwen replied sarcastically.

Hey at least Im putting ideas out there unlike you! Ben yelled. Ben and Gwen quickly got into an argument. Max on the other hand had noticed something off. He sneaked slowly into the kitchen. It was totally un-charred. He heard a slight scurry. He peaked around the corner and saw nothing in the kitchen, but curious as he is, Max ventured further. A radiating blue light coming from an open cabinet under the sink caught his eye. He opened it and saw three crab-like things digging their claws into the wall underneath the sink and where screeching quietly and ominously. Aroceptians!