Ben 10 Sex

Ben 10 Porn Story: Alien Demon or Undead Chapter 4

Ben 10 Porn Story: Alien Demon or Undead Chapter 4

A/N: So here we go… two updates in one week. I might have another one ready before the holidays, but it’s still in progress. I’d like to take a moment to thank the readers who have posted reviews. They always brighten my day when I see them and I try to respond to each one that I receive. As the story continues, I will definitely be responding to reviews and including little tidbits about the original characters that appear in this fic.

I appreciate everyone that’s reading this story and those who have added it to their alerts as well.

Disclaimer: I still don’t own Ben 10: Alien Force.

Chapter Four

The first half of the day passed quickly. Ben drifted from class to class in a daze, his mind far from the schoolwork that should have been his main focus. Between dealing with aliens, a pair of vampires who might or might not have been honest and the departure of his girlfriend, he was physically and emotionally exhausted. By the time lunch rolled around, he wanted nothing more than to take a much-needed half hour nap.

Deciding that getting some food in his system would be a better idea, he carried a tray to his usual table, his eyes downcast as he picked at the meal. He barely heard the excited whispers around him, but when they finally caught his attention, he glanced up in subdued curiosity.

Across the lunchroom, at a table alone, sat a girl he didnt recognize. By all accounts, she was beautiful. Pale blond hair spilled over her shoulders, her face framed by a pair of thin braids; one violet, one midnight blue. Crystal blue eyes seemed to observe everything around her as she took a small bite from the pear in her hand.

Looking for a new girlfriend already? a familiar voice taunted from behind him.

Go away, Cash, he muttered.

Like shed go for a loser like you anyway, Cash continued, ignoring the remark and prompting a laugh from JT. Your last one left town to get away from you. When Ben failed to take the bait, he pressed further. Maybe Ill go talk to her then.

Have fun with that.

He watched the pair stroll over to the other table, trying to hide a grin when the girl seemed to ignore them. His vague amusement faded into concern as he watched her swat away Cashs hand. When the boy persisted, toying with one of her braids, Ben decided it was time to intervene. As he started to stand, though, he realized that the girl had her own way of dealing with the annoyance. Her left hand darted up to grab the boys wrist and she twisted it, the quick movement eliciting a cry of pained surprise. She said a few words, her voice too soft for Ben to hear, and then released her grip, sending Cash staggering back a few paces.

The pair wasted no time in retreating, leaving Ben to wonder what exactly she had said to them. When she stood, her slight frame surprised him. She couldnt have been more than an inch or two over five feet tall, but she had sent the bully and his side-kick packing with ease. She dumped the empty plate from her tray into the trash can and then calmly exited the cafeteria, taking the rest of her pear with her.

Who was that? he asked a passing classmate.

She just transferred here from somewhere in Europe, the student replied. I have math class with her. Her names Abigalia Fox, but thats all I know.


The rest of a day seemed like a blur. With one more riddle added to everything else he was trying to focus on, Ben was surprised he made it through the day without getting detention for daydreaming in class. While he was hardly in the market for a new girlfriend so soon, the new student from Europe certainly presented him with a few questions.

As he stepped out of the school, he stopped, hiding his surprise at the motorcycle waiting in front of the building. Within moments, the petite blonde rushed past him and down the stairs. The rider handed her a helmet, which she slid on quickly before climbing onto the bike. He watched them depart, momentarily stunned, before shaking himself out of his stupor and descending the steps to the bicycle rack. As he leaned down to turn the combination lock, he heard a familiar engine accompanied by an equally familiar voice.

Hey Tennyson! Kevin called. Hop in. We’ll pick up your bike later.

Yeah, okay, he replied, confusion etched onto his features. Letting the lock fall from his grasp, he hurried over to the car and opened the passenger side door. Where’s Gwen?

I dropped her off already, the older teen replied. She said she had homework to do and I figured you needed some guy time. He offered a slight grin as Ben sat down and closed the door. He cleared his throat, unaccustomed to showing even a small amount for the well-being of the younger boy. How are you holding up?

Alright, I guess, he said with a sigh. It’s been a weird day.

Define weird.

It might be nothing, but… He hesitated, recalling the events in the lunchroom. There’s a new girl; just transferred from somewhere in Europe.

Is she hot?

It’s not like that, Ben retorted. Cash was giving her a hard time at lunch and she almost broke his wrist. He watched Kevin’s eyebrows nearly disappear beneath his dark hair. That’s not all. Remember the motorcycle yesterday? That guy picked her up from school today.

That explains why he doesn’t speak English, Kevin said thoughtfully. So, there’s a chick from Europe that managed to scare off the schoolyard bully and she knows a biker. What’s so weird about that?

I don’t know, he replied with a shake of his head. I’ve just got a funny feeling about them. I can’t put my finger on it, but something just doesn’t seem right.

Well, maybe you should talk to her about it. He pulled into the parking lot of Mr. Smoothie and turned off the car. Like, right now.

Ben gave him another confused look before following his gaze to the black and violet motorcycle parked at the other end of the lot. Abigalia Fox was seated sideways on it, her head turned to watch her companion approach with a pair of cups. A smile played about her lips as she took her beverage, the expression softening her features.

Wow, she is hot, Kevin remarked, earning him a glare from his passenger. They watched the pair for a moment, before he spoke again. You’re saying that she sent Cash running? She’s what… five foot nothing?

Yeah. Stepping out of the car, Ben found himself struggling with indecision again. Before he had a chance to make up his mind, the driver’s side door slammed closed and Kevin strode past him towards the couple. Hey, wait!

When his friend ignored him, he hurried to catch up. The girl’s attention shifted to them as they neared, her expression hardening. Her companion glanced over his shoulder, frowning before he stepped protectively in front of her. He took a slow sip of his drink and then folded his arms over his chest, completely obstructing their view of her.

Nice ride, Kevin remarked with a disarming grin. The biker simply nodded, but remained silent. Mind if I take a look? Storm gray eyes narrowed in response and he tried a different tactic. So, I hear youre from Europe?

I saw you in the lunch room today, Ben spoke up, trying to see around the leather-clad figure. You did a good job handling Cash.

Then you are aware that I do not take kindly to unwelcome advances. The words had an edge to them, but something else about her tone surprised them. Her voice had a distinctly melodic quality with the accent that they had only heard from two other people.

What part of Europe are you from? Kevin asked, his grin vanishing.

I prefer to keep the details of my life private, if you dont mind. Her companion turned, leaning over to whisper a few words to her. She gave a brief response and Ben instantly recognized the language that confirmed his suspicions. As the man stepped back to stand beside her, she rested a hand on his arm. You did not come over here to look at a motorcycle, did you?

And youre not from Europe, are you? Ben countered.

Are you telling me that theyre? Kevin glanced between them as the realization sunk in. He felt his muscles tense as Ben guided him a few paces away.

They cant be vampires, the younger boy whispered. Its daytime, but theyve got to be involved in this. I heard that language Friday night when Lothan and Lalasa were talking.

So either this is one hell of a coincidence or theyre working together, Kevin reasoned. How much do you want to bet that they were called in to spy on us?

Ben nodded his agreement and turned to regard them again. His eyes narrowed as he saw the knowing smile on her lips and he approached them a little more cautiously. Her companion blocked his path once again and shook his head slightly.

Who are you? Kevin demanded, mirroring the mans stance as he stopped beside Ben.

My name? she asked, feigning innocence as she tipped her head to the side, peering around the man to look at them. I am Abigalia Fox and this is Dravias Fox, my husband.

Wait, what? Ben exchanged a confused look with Kevin before staring at the pair again. It was then that he noticed the thin, silver band circling the third finger of her left hand. Is that even legal?

Come on, Kevin muttered. She cant be more than fifteen and this guy is like eighteen or nineteen. Theres no way

Do you always take everything at face value? Dravias asked.

I thought you didnt speak English The black-haired teens eyes narrowed as he processed the new information.

You must be Kevin, Abigalia said with a smile before her gaze shifted to the younger boy. Which means that you must be Ben.

Start explaining, Kevin demanded.

We would love to, she replied as she hopped off of the bike. She gave a soft laugh as she dropped her empty cup into the trash can. Not today, though. I have History homework to do.

The simple statement regarding something as mundane as homework left the teens staring in bewilderment. It was difficult for their minds to transition from a discussion that implied the involvement of vampires from another world to a passing remark regarding day to day studies. Before either boy could formulate a response, Abigalia and Dravias had both climbed onto the motorcycle and were preparing to depart.

I suppose I shall see you in school tomorrow, Ben. She winked at him before slipping the helmet over her head.

You can count on it, he said, almost to himself as he watched them ride out of the parking lot. He shook his head, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together, and turned to look at Kevin, who had pulled out his cell phone. Who are you calling?

Gwen, the older boy replied. We’ve got to find a time tonight where we can put our heads together. Seems like you were right, Tennyson. Something’s definitely not right about that chick.


Wait. Gwen held up a hand, nearly dropping her fork. She goes to your school and she’s married?

That’s what she told us, Ben replied around a mouthful of chili fries.

It gets better, Kevin promised.

They’ve got to be involved with Lothan and Lalasa, Ben continued. They spoke the same language and had the same accent. It’s the only explanation I can think of.

I’m still trying to get past the whole married at fifteen thing, Kevin remarked.

Emancipated minor, maybe? Gwen offered.

That’s assuming that they follow the same laws that we do, Ben added. We already know that the vampires aren’t from Earth. At least, we think we do. Lalasa said that they have different morals than we do. I don’t know if she was talking about their world or just about vampires.

And at this point, we don’t know enough to determine that. Gwen leaned back, her brow furrowed in thought. Tell me again about what happened at lunch.

I wasn’t really paying attention at first, he began. But it seemed like everyone was talking about the new girl. Just as I looked over at her, Cash and JT showed up and started acting like… well… like Cash and JT usually act. I tried to ignore them, so Cash went over to talk to Abigalia. I guess she thought that ignoring them would work for her too. He wouldn’t leave her alone, though. So, when he started messing with her hair, she grabbed his wrist and twisted. I thought she was going to break it. I saw her say something to him, but I couldn’t hear what. He actually looked scared. I don’t know what she said to him, but he actually looked like he wanted to run away.

You don’t think… She paused, her eyes widening slightly. We have to go. I think Cash might be in trouble. When they made no move to stand up, she sighed in exasperation. Look, I don’t like the guy either, but if I’m right…

Then he might be at the top of the menu tonight, Kevin finished for her.


Who the hell does she think she is? Cash knocked over another mannequin as he ranted. She thinks she can get away with humiliating me and then threatening me? Another tattered figure fell to the ground. Ill show her. Just wait until school tomorrow. Ive got something special in mind for her.

JT watched, for once unable to find his usual words of encouragement. He didnt really feel that they were needed, though. They seldom were. Something gnawed at him and his carefully displayed enthusiasm vanished as soon as he was sure that Cash wasnt looking at him. The girls words repeated themselves in his mind and he suppressed a shudder. Touch me again and I will split you from nose to navel. Perhaps someone else will find you first and save me the trouble. A mannequins head rolled across the floor and stopped at his feet, causing him to look up at its source.

Whats your problem? Cash sneered.

Nnothing, he stammered.

The taller boy rolled his eyes and resumed his task of destroying as many inanimate objects as possible. JT tried to tune out his ramblings while keeping his own misgivings about the situation to himself. He couldnt determine what exactly bothered him about the girl from the lunchroom. He was used to threats, but maybe it was the ice cold malice in her tone.

A soft tapping against the floor pulled him from his thoughts and he looked across the abandoned warehouse. Glancing to Cash, he realized that his friend seemed oblivious to the noise, and he had almost dismissed it when it came again; closer this time. A cold trickle of sweat slid down the side of his face as he equated the noise with that of claws against concrete. The mental image solidified as he heard a growl echo through the cavernous room.

Did you hear that? he asked.

Whos there? Cash called out as he crouched down to pick up a plastic arm.

As he grasped the item, he felt strong fingers curl around his wrist. Startled, he looked down before his gaze slowly lifted to stare at the man beside him. A scream died in his throat as he found himself flying across the room. He came to a sudden stop against the wall, his head slamming into the concrete.

JT watched in horror, momentarily frozen, as the stranger appeared out of nowhere and sent his friend airborne. When his legs finally obeyed his command, he turned and ran, hoping he was heading in the right direction. His escape was halted as something knocked him to the floor and he found himself buried under nearly two hundred pounds of muscle and black fur.

Cash slid down to the floor, trying to clear the black spots from his vision. Before he could recover, he was lifted again; this time held against the wall by his throat as his feet dangled off of the floor. He tried unsuccessfully to pry the vice-like grip from around his neck, his breath cut off by his captors hand.

I want you to listen very carefully, the stranger said. Look at me when I am speaking.

He forced himself to look at the mans face and wished that he hadnt. Dark blue, glowing eyes stared at him and the strangers lips were slightly parted to reveal the tips of dangerously sharp fangs. For the first time in as long as he could remember, Cash felt true fear.

That is better. The vampire grinned as he continued. I trust you will not remember the details of this little meeting, but you will remember this. Tomorrow, you are going to apologize to Abigalia for your indiscretions. From here on out, you will treat her with courtesy and respect. If you so much as breathe an unkind word to her or lay a hand on her again, I will find you and I will kill you. Do you understand?

He nodded mutely as his head swam and he struggled to remain conscious. As suddenly as the stranger appeared, he was gone and Cash fell to the floor gasping for breath. He managed to lift a hand to rub his bruised throat and coughed harshly, the action sending a wave of pain through the back of his head.

JT managed to squirm enough to roll over beneath the mass of fur. Hot, rancid breath blew across his face as he looked up at the wolf that pinned him to the floor. He couldnt see what was happening to his friend, but he heard every word spoken by the stranger. Although he didnt hear the man approach, he saw his legs stop beside him. He heard a few words spoken in a language that he didnt understand, and the wolf stepped off of him.

As the man grasped the front of his shirt, hauling JT to his feet, he thought that it might have been preferable to be trapped beneath the animal. A strangled cry escaped through his lips as he took in the frightening appearance before him. The sight of the fangs was enough to convince him that he was dealing with a creature that would haunt his nightmares, but he couldnt find the strength to struggle.

You, however the vampire began. You will remember this. If you were wise, you would distance yourself from that child. He respects no one, least of all you. Should you choose to remain in his acquaintance, I will hold you equally responsible for his actions, complete with all applicable consequences. The man set him gently on his feet, smoothing out his shirt as the glow faded from his eyes. I am glad that we have an understanding. Enjoy the rest of your night.

With a motion to the wolf and a few more words in the strange language, he walked towards the door with the beast trotting beside him.