Ben 10 Sex

Ben 10 Porn Story: Luckily Lucky – Chapter 1

Ben 10 Porn Story: Luckily Lucky – Chapter 1

Well this is a Ben10 story so dont get mad at me. Gwen/Kevin pairing. GWEN IS LUCKY GIRL!!

Luckily Lucky

Its been 3 years since the Omnitrix attached its self onto Bens wrist. Gwen is thirteen years old, ever since the Lucky Girl episodes Gwen has been obsessed with the supernatural. She has read all the book on it she can find, looked up all the web sites know about it and even added a few magical object to her growing collection. The summer cross-country thing is still done every year since. No one knows of Gwens collections of the paranormal artifacts. Gwen has gotten into the habit of magical assistance. If Ben really messed up she would cast a spell under her breath and it would get fixed up in the end. The Charms of Bezal have been remade in secret so she could be lucky girl again, but she wants it to be a secret.

It was a normal day, if youre Ben, Gwen, or Grandpa Max. After 3 years of summer trips they had changed a bit. Ben was a little taller a tiny bit more mature, and a little more muscular. Gwen had developed, was taller, had longer orange hair, that as she grew up had developed black tips with red sparkles all trough it, and had started wearing black. Grandpa Max is, the same. What was different was that Kevin had come back, human, and had dropped his grudge on Ben. He had decided to help them fight off the bad aliens. Kevin had let his hair grow a little longer, and was aloud to touch the Omnitrix. So Kevin has all the aliens without being a monster.

Gwen was reading one of her spell books when a loud BANG was heard from the RV. She quickly went to see what had happened. It was Hex!!!!! He was looking for Lucky Girl! Kevin just gave a confused look and Ben looked at Gwen. Grandpa was in the RV.

Where is Lucky Girl? snarled Hex.

Who is Lucky Girl? Kevin asked.

Gwen said She doesnt exist any more.

Hex turned to her and Exclaimed YOU!.

Yeah, me what? Gwen replied arms crossed

Your Lucky girl! Hex said.

Gwen just laughed and said, Not any more Hex! Kevin and Ben Watched the exchange with interest. Ben because he thought Hex had died, and Kevin because he wanted to find out about Gwen being Lucky Girl. Hex throw a spell at Gwen, but a shield surrounded her. After it died down Gwen said a spell and made a trusting movement with her arms that made tendrils of darkness come from behind her and went at Hex. The grabbed him and throw him up in the air. Ben took this as his and Kevins cue an they turned in to Heat blast and Four arms. Ben as four arms took Hex and punched him to Kevin who shot a fire blast at him. Hex left in a cloud of smoke.

Okay, Lucky Girl, how did you get your powers back? Ben asked. Gwen hesitadet and Kevin saved her by asking a question.

Who the heck is Lucky Girl? Ben pointed to Gwen Gwen pointed to herself and Grandpa Max came out of the RV.

Ill explain. So Grandpa max explained, and where he couldnt Gwen did. By the end Gwen was waiting for replies or shouts in Ben and Kevins cases. All she got were, WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US? in various rubbed the back of her neck, this was gonna be a long day.

If you read this then review!! I don’t think there are enough stories where Gwen is Lucky Girl, or where Kevin and Gwen get together, so this is my contribution.