Ben 10 Sex

Ben 10 Porn Story: Alien Demon or Undead – Chapter 17

Ben 10 Porn Story: Alien Demon or Undead – Chapter 17

Chapter Seventeen

How did you manage to talk your parents into this one? Kevin asked as they pulled up to the house.

I told them the truth, Ben replied. Well, most of it anyway. I kind of skipped the part about the vampires.

The first half of the week had passed without incident. They had made plans to meet up on Thursday evening, with bags packed for the upcoming journey. So far, they were unsure of how exactly they would be traveling to the other world, but several theories had been discussed throughout the week. .

So, the plan is to leave tonight and come back on Sunday, right? Gwen asked as they exited the car.

I think so, Ben replied. I think Karian wants to meet with the gypsies tonight and the memorial is on Saturday.

Are you sure this is a good idea? Kevin asked.

Im sure everything will work out fine, Ben assured him. What could go wrong?

Yeah, thats comforting, he muttered.

Karian was waiting on the porch and descended the stairs as they neared. A small traveling sack was slung over his shoulder and he stopped a few feet away from the trio. Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew two silver necklaces, both with a small ivy pendant, and handed them to Ben and Gwen.

I understand that Abigalia already gave you one, he told Kevin before addressing the cousins. These will serve two purposes. In case your devices do not work in my world, they will translate our language for you and yours for us. They will also allow Lalasa to locate us so that she can summon us to Zalyndrya. Are you ready?

As ready as were gonna be, Kevin replied.

Good, the vampire said with a nod. We should be departing any minute.

The landscape changed around them as soon as the words had left his mouth. The desert sand was replaced by stone tiles, the house vanishing as they found themselves in a circular room, the walls covered with various arcane symbols. When the moment of disorientation passed, they saw Lalasa standing a few paces away. She stepped forward to greet them, the torchlight reflecting on the silver and gemstone circlet across her forehead.

Welcome, she said. We have your rooms ready if you would like to rest, although I believe you had planned to travel on tonight.

We will be departing once we have placed our belongings in our rooms, Karian replied. Have you located them?

Yes, she confirmed. Their camp is an hour’s ride to the east.

Perfect, he said with a nod. And where are our quarters?

In the south wing, she stated. You know the way.

What do you mean ‘an hour’s ride’? Kevin asked. What are we supposed to be riding?

Horses, Lalasa replied. You do know how to ride, do you not?

Well, Ben began, glancing at the others. Not really.

Very well, she said, frowning slightly. I will have a carriage prepared instead. You will find it in the courtyard when you are ready to leave.

Karian led them out of the room and up a short flight of stairs that opened into a large chamber. Crossing the room, they entered a winding corridor that brought them out to the entrance hall. Two curved staircases spiraled up on either side of the area and they ascended the set on the right before continuing on. The corridor was lined with tapestries depicting various scenes of both serenity and battle, separated by antique armor displays.

Two members of the Royal Guard passed them, both with black cloth bound around their left arms. Ben turned to watch them continue towards the stairs and the purpose of their visit sank in. With a sigh, he returned his attention to the others, realizing that they had stopped.

Those three rooms should be suitable for you, Karian said as he motioned to the doors across from them. He paused, glancing down for a moment before he spoke again. You do not have to accompany me if you do not want to.

You don’t have to do this alone, Gwen told him. If we’re going to be a team now, then we should act like it. You helped us when we needed it, so now it’s our turn.


The landscape was illuminated by the multi-colored glow of Zalyndrya’s four moons. Despite the quick pace, the carriage offered a smooth ride four the four occupants as they watched the scenery through the windows. Karian remained still, staring at the floor, looking up only when he heard Ben speak.

How long has it been since you’ve seen them? he asked.

Two years, the vampire replied. I never returned to them after the first visit to your world.

Well, they should be happy to see you, right? Ben stated.

It is not quite that simple, Karian said, shaking his head. The Seer will recognize me for what I am and she is the one that must be convinced that I mean no harm to the clan. Even with you three there, it will be difficult. As the carriage slowed to a halt, he spoke again. It is only a short walk from here.

The glow of firelight was visible in the distance as they stepped out of the vehicle. They waited while Karian exchanged a few words with the driver before he motioned for them to follow. Tall trees lined the path, dry leaves crunching beneath the teenagers even as the vampire walked silently among them. After nearly ten minutes, the forest began to thin, opening into a large clearing.

Karian lifted a hand, signaling them to stop. At the far edge of the clearing, several brightly decorated, covered wagons were arranged around a bonfire. Music and laughter could be heard from their position and a pair of children ran back and forth from the encampment towards the tree line. Each time they would leave the glow of the fire, they came closer to the four spectators until the girl stopped and seemed to look directly at them. Her companion called to her once before turning and running back towards the wagons.

The trio held their breath, watching Karian for any indication of what they should do next. The child appeared to be eight or nine, clad in a loose-fitting white blouse and a multi-colored skirt. She edged closer, squinting her eyes in attempt to figure out what she had seen. After a moment of hesitation, the vampire stepped out of the shadows and the girl’s eyes widened before a smile spread across her features.

Karian! she exclaimed, rushing forward to hug him. I thought you’d never come back! She stepped back as he knelt down to eye level with her. Grandmother said that you’d be different if you came back, but you look the same to me. Your hair is shorter, but that’s it.

Slow down, Mireana, he said with a soft chuckle. I need to speak with Grandmother right away. Would you go get her please?

Why don’t you just come with me? she asked in response. Everyone will be so happy to see you.

No one else can know yet, he replied. Not until Grandmother says it is alright. Do you understand?

I guess, she said, pouting.

Good. He straightened and smiled gently at her. I will be waiting here.

So far so good, Ben said, stepping out of the shadows to join him as the girl ran towards the camp.

That was the easy part, Karian stated.

So, all we have to do is convince her grandma that were just here to give her the news, right? Kevin asked.

Not her grandma the vampire corrected. Grandmother is the Seer of the clan. She is the highest authority for the Crimson Fox. But yes, we must convince her that we are not a threat.

He nodded towards the encampment, drawing their attention to the approaching figure. Leaning heavily on a gnarled staff, the old woman slowly walked towards them, the moonlight illuminating her features. Numerous wrinkles lined her face, her skin bronzed from many days in the sun. She stopped a few feet away and regarded each of them in turn. Her expression hardened when her gaze settled on Karian and she shook her head slightly.

You should not have come here, she told him. You are not the man that you resemble.

It is true; I am not what I once was, he replied, but I am who I have always been.

Dont try to trick me with pretty words, she snapped. Speak your peace and be gone, Dusk Hunter.

Dusk Hunter? Ben echoed, his gaze shifting between them.

It is the term for my kind in this world, Karian explained before returning his attention to the old woman.

Your companions know what you are, and yet they still travel with you? she asked, apparently surprised by that fact.

Yes, he replied. And of their own free will. We have come with news of Dravias. If you wish, we will share our knowledge and then depart.

He has fallen, she said softly, reading their expressions. How? And I warn you, I will know if you speak the truth

He fell in battle, the vampire told her. We fought alongside these three to ensure the safety of their world. He stepped in front of a projectile that was aimed at his wife. By the time I was able to get close to him, he had already crossed the Veil.

Its true, Gwen added. We were all there when it happened.

The Seer regarded them for a moment before closing her eyes. Her lips formed soundless words as she leaned on her staff, rocking slightly. The trio exchanged a worried glance while Karian simply watched silently. After a few minutes, the woman stopped and looked down at the ground, nodding to herself as she interpreted the symbols near the bottom of her staff.

Come with me, she said, turning towards the encampment.

Grandmother? Karian asked, confusion registering in his eyes. Are you sure?

Do you plan on wasting the night with stupid questions? she countered, facing him again. You have brought us the news of Dravias fate and, if you four can be believed, you have no ill intentions towards the clan. For tonight, and only tonight, you may join us to celebrate his memory.

What just happened? Kevin asked as she turned away from them again.

It has been decided that we are to accompany her to the encampment, Karian explained with a grin. It is rare that outsiders are permitted, let alone invited, and even rarer still that they are asked to take part in a celebration.

So, we told her that Dravias was killed, and theyre throwing a party? Ben asked, seeming just as confused as Kevin.

Dravias would not have wanted us to remain in sorrow, he explained. So we honor his memory by celebrating the time that we had with him.

They followed her towards the group of wagons, keeping a few paces behind her as the gathering came into view. The conversations halted as they stepped into the camp, curious and suspicious gazes watching them. A few hushed words were exchanged before the Seer addressed them.

We have received sad news this night, she told them. Dravias has crossed the Veil. She paused as the wary expressions changed to surprise and lifted a hand as they began to talk among themselves. As many of you know, two winters ago, he traveled with Karian to the realm known as Earth. When he returned to us last summer, he brought news of his marriage and we celebrated with him. After that, he continued to travel across our land and recently returned to Earth. I am told that he helped our guests defend their world from a threat that could have eliminated all of them.

He fought bravely, Karian added, stepping forward. He gave his life to save another and I am honored to have fought beside him.

Tonight, the Seer continued, we drink to the fallen son of the Crimson Fox!

As soon as she had finished speaking, the music started up again and several gallon-sized jugs began to circulate among the gathering. Karian led the trio to a log that had been placed along one side of the camp, motioning for them to sit. Ben noticed that for the first time since he had met the vampire, Karian seemed content. A smile had formed on his lips and he even chuckled a few times as the gypsies began to recount memories of their fallen kin.

These were his people, Ben realized. Even though the gypsies were keeping their distance from the group, this was where Karian had been raised. Maybe not in this specific location, but these people were the closest thing to family that he had in Zalyndrya. It seemed that for a few short hours, he could be part of it again, and he had agreed to share this experience with three teenagers that he had only known for a couple of weeks.

It was an amazing experience for them. As the music played, several people had begun to dance, increasing in speed with the tempo. After about ten minutes, one of the dancers approached and reached for Karian’s hands. With a soft laugh, he allowed the woman to pull him to his feet and joined in the celebration. After that, it didn’t take long for others to approach the trio and attempt to coerce them into dancing as well.

I don’t dance, Kevin protested.

You can fight, but you cannot dance? one woman laughed.

You wouldn’t want to insult our hospitality, would you? the man beside her added with a grin.

Come on, Kevin, Ben pressed as he and Gwen stood. Try to have a little fun for once.

I can have plenty of fun without dancing, he retorted, rising reluctantly.

It took a little while for them to get the hang of the relatively simple steps, Gwen picking up on it quicker than the boys. She glanced over at Kevin, trying not to laugh as he tripped over his partner. The gypsies held no such inhibitions and laughed heartily as the woman helped him up. He scowled, obviously unhappy with being the source of their humor, but was given little time to remain miserable as his partner swung him towards another dancer.

As the song ended, the three teenagers returned to their seats and were joined by Karian. Food was passed around, along with the containers of ale and a small group gathered around their guests. Their initial mistrust had given way to curiosity and they spent the next hour asking questions about what the teenagers’ lives were like and what noticeable differences there were between Earth and Zalyndrya. In exchange, the gypsies shared their experiences in their world, along with anecdotes of Dravias and Karian from days past.

Karian glanced up as the old Seer rested a hand on his shoulder and he nodded in understanding. With a gesture to the teenagers, he stood, taking a few minutes to offer thanks and farewells to the clan. The gypsies seemed unhappy to see them leave, but they had recognized the signal from their leader and watched the four walk away from the firelight.

Admit it, Ben said, looking at Kevin. You had fun, didn’t you?

Give it a rest, Tennyson, he muttered.

Karian, wait!

The four stopped as they heard the woman call out behind them and turned to watch her approach with one of the men from the camp. Ben took a moment to remember their names, and glanced at Karian as the vampire frowned. The woman, Caela, stopped and looked up at him, her eyes seeming to be searching his.

You’re really not coming back, are you? she asked.

No, I am not, he replied. I will be returning to Earth.

It’s true, isn’t it? the man asked. He paused as Karian arched a brow, apparently trying to find the right words. You have no shadow. I noticed it earlier, but I thought it was a trick of the light. You didn’t eat or drink anything at all this evening.

You always were observant, Markus, he said with a slight shrug. It was not the ideal outcome when I left here, but there is little to be done about it now.

How can you accept this? Markus demanded. I don’t see how you can exist like that as if it were normal.

Do you honestly believe this was easy to accept? Karian asked in response, taken aback by the hostility from the other man. After two years, I still have trouble accepting everything that has happened.

But here you stand, Markus said, folding his arms over his chest. All night, you sat among us as if nothing had changed.

I never said that things have not changed, he stated.

Lay off him, Kevin said, causing them to look at him in surprise.

This does not concern you, Markus told him.

Like hell it doesn’t, the teen countered. You wanna pick on him, you get to deal with us.

This isn’t even necessary, Caela spoke up. Markus, let’s just head back. They brought us the news of Dravias and they caused no trouble tonight. There’s no need to start any now.

Go back if you want, he replied. This isn’t right. He had the nerve to tell us what happened as if he had no part in it and then put all of us in danger by remaining among us.

He didn’t have anything to do with it, Ben argued. He was helping us the whole time. They both were.

Do you really want to push this one? Kevin asked, stepping forward. Looks like it’ll be just you against four of us; and we got the vamp on our side.

Why does it matter now, anyway? Gwen added. Don’t you think he would have done something by now if he really planned to start any trouble? Besides, we’re leaving anyway so you don’t have anything to worry about.

You’re fools if you think he can be trusted, Markus stated with a shake of his head. Go ahead, though. You’ll learn the hard way.

Kevin smirked as the two gypsies returned to their camp. Caela glanced over her shoulder, mouthing an apology before hurrying back to the safety of the fire. As the teenagers turned to leave as well, they noticed Karian regarding Kevin with a curious expression on his face.

Why would you defend me? he asked. Ever since we met, you have made no secret of your dislike of me, but just now you were ready stand by me and fight if necessary. Why?

It’s like Gwen said earlier, Kevin replied. If we’re gonna be a team, we need to act like it. That means if someone messes with one of us, they deal with all of us. As he turned away and began to walk towards the tree line, he smirked again. That doesn’t mean I have to like you.