Ben 10 Sex

Ben 10 Porn Story: BEN 10

Ben 10 Porn Story: BEN 10

One day Ben was walking in the wood then there was a sound he ran to it. Was Charmcaster naked doing somthing Ben do not know. Charmcaster saw Ben and said do you want to have sex what is sex ask Ben I will show you take off your cloth now this is call a blowjob she suck on Ben penis. Somthing is coming sorry said Ben for peeing on you it not pee said Charmcaster it call cum. Now put your penis in my ass o.k said Ben it small in your ass I know I think i am going to cum. Now then for my pussy go in said Charmcaster. It sooo good said Ben I am going to cum do it inside said Charmcaster Ben cum in Charmcaster. That was fun said Ben yes it was Ithink I am a big slut for having sex with a 10 yaer old and enjoy it. THE END