Ben 10 Porn Story: Dinner Date Chapter 3

Ben 10 Porn Story: Dinner Date Chapter 3

I do not own Ben 10 or Ben 10 Alien Force

Hey everyone! Thanks again to those who replied! I love you guys!
Btw, Im re-uploading my first two chapters as I just realized that
I forgot to put in a disclaimer and the divisions within my chapters
went wonky.


hate riding the bus. Kevin muttered, as he and Gwen got down. It
was a warm night. The first stars were just coming out in the sky
overhead, but the artificial yellow glow cast by the streetlights
around them detracted from the view.

that? Gwen wondered, walking in step beside him. Kevin led her
around a corner and moved straight ahead.

shrugged. I hate riding in anything where Im not behind the
wheel. He turned to look at Gwen with a cheeky grin. I like
being in control.

rolled her eyes and stared at the sidewalk ahead. She frowned.

are we?


never been in this part before. Gwen said, with a hint of
nervousness in her voice. The sidewalk they were on was liberally
littered with empty soda cups and candy wrappers. They kept walking
and got near a group of teenagers in black who were smoking and
passing a brown bottle between them. One of the boys leered at Gwen.

perfectly safe. Ive been here lots of times. Kevin reassured
her, though he gently steered Gwen away from the group by the elbow,
glaring at the boy as they passed. Gwen was starting to wish shed
worn something other than her miniskirt. She was starting to feel
slightly exposed.

passed by more people, all of whom seemed to Gwen to look like they
were very unhappy with their lives. None of them were smiling at any
rate, and a middle-aged woman dressed in a patched jacket carrying a
bag of groceries, from which the top of a slightly wilted-looking
lettuce peeked out, peered at them suspiciously as she made her way

not sure I like this place very much. Gwen told Kevin in a small
voice. She moved slightly closer to Kevin as they walked, trying not
to make eye contact with the passers-by who looked at her either
curiously or else scowled at her.

felt like hitting himself very hard on the head. How could he have
been so stupid! He should have known that a girl like Gwen would feel
uncomfortable in a place like this. While it wasnt strictly
speaking the bad part of town, it wasnt exactly the most
affluent or the most sanitary for that matter.

stopped and Gwen turned to look at him.

we can go back to Bellwood if you want. We dont have to stay
here. He told her offhandedly. He looked back. I think theres
another bus coming soon.

no. Its fine. Gwen assured him, and on impulse, clutched at his

went red.

my buddys place is over ththere. He stammered, gesturing at
a nondescript-looking building about ten feet away.

gave him a smile. Lets go.


room they entered was noisy, with a haze of cigarette smoke
enveloping the patrons. While it was still relatively early in the
evening, the bar already seated quite a few people nursing quantities
of alcohol. Some gulped down their drinks while chatting with their
companions, others hunched over their glasses alone.

wrinkled her nose at the smoke. She never really liked the smell. She
followed Kevin who led her to the bar, and watched as the man
standing behind the counter greeted him.

The usual?

tonight, Riley. Just two cheeseburgers and make it quick. Im
starving. Kevin gestured at Gwen, who walked over to his side.
This is Gwen. Gwen. Riley.

looked to be about 23, with longish dark hair like Kevins which he
tied up in a ponytail. He had a pierced eyebrow, and wore a t-shirt
which was torn at the sleeves, revealing muscular arms.

looked Gwen up and down. Whos this? Your girlfriend?

and Kevin both blushed. No! Both of them said at the same time.

Riight. Make yourselves comfortable. Ill tell Chuck to hurry up on
the cheeseburgers. Smirking at the two of them, Riley stepped
through double-doors into what must be the kitchen.

leaned in close to Gwen, who was looking around and didnt realize
their proximity until she felt his warm breath on her neck. She
shivered despite herself. Kevin didnt seem to notice.

may not look it, but hes part alien. Used to trade alien tech with
me until he made enough to open this place. He whispered.

looked at him incredulously. Really?


came back to the bar, and after pouring a couple of shots for the
people next to them, looked at Gwen.

whats a pretty girl like you doing around a guy like Levin, here?
he asked, cocking his head in Kevins direction. This guys a
magnet for trouble.

frowned at him. Kevins a very good friend. Hes come a long
way from trading alien tech with you.

raised his eyebrows, making the ring through one of them glint. I
see Kevin told you about our history. You a plumber like him?

nodded, still frowning at him.

raised both his hands up as though in surrender. Chill, Gwen. Ive
pretty much reformed like Levin here. Although we both still enjoy
breaking a few rules here and there. He and Kevin exchanged a look
and both of them grinned, as though sharing an inside joke.

furrowed her eyebrows. Kevin she started.

on, Gwen. Relax. Hes just teasing. Kevin laughed.

laughed too. Here, he said, placing two bottles of beer in
front of them. On the house, just to prove my intentions are

looked at Gwen as she eyed the beer apprehensively.

dont have to drink it. He told her, as he took a swig from his

closed her eyes, shrugged, and gingerly gulped in a mouthful. Ugh.
It tastes terrible! she said with a grimace.

not supposed to swill it around in your mouth like wine, Gwen.
Kevin said, taking another swig.

pushed her bottle at Kevin. Here, you finish it.

shrugged and pulled the bottle towards him.

A few
minutes later, Riley came back and deposited two cheeseburgers with a
side of fries in front of them. Eat it while its hot. He
said, and turned to grab a bottle of vodka from the shelf behind him,
heading towards a man sitting at the other end of the bar.

cheeseburgers smelled heavenly, even to Gwen, whose nose had
admittedly become a bit desensitized after all that smoke. She took a
bite and smiled as she chewed.

is delicious! she told Kevin between chews, accidentally spraying
him with a bit of meat from her mouth.

went red as she struggled to swallow. Im so sorry! she cried
out, trying to wipe at Kevins shirt with a napkin.

Kevin grinned. Whodve thought Miss Manners talked with her
mouth full? he teased, while he flicked away the piece of meat
from his shirt.

chose to ignore this comment and concentrated on nibbling at her
fries. But something troubled her. After a few moments silence,
she spoke.

do you think Im attractive?

who was halfway between taking a huge bite of his burger, choked.
Wha what do you mean? he managed to say between coughs.

dipped a French fry in ketchup. I mean, what you said, the Miss
Manners thing and Riley telling me to chill Am I too uptight?
she frowned at her plate. Thats not very attractive, is it?

shook his head. I didnt mean it, Gwen. Sure, sometimes you get
a little too serious, but thats what makes you you, and I like
that about you. Youre different from other girls. You keep me
grounded. Kevin turned away, taking another bite of his burger,
his cheeks slightly pink.

smiled at him. Really?

Kevin mumbled, staring broodingly at his plate. Youre pretty
terrific. He added quietly.

heart leapt into her throat. Did she hear what she thought she heard?
Grinning stupidly, she went back to her dinner, Kevin beside her
taking liberal swigs of beer, looking uncomfortable.

me you like me and want to go out with me
Gwen thought,
willing Kevin to speak up. Unfortunately, he didnt seem to be
feeling any of her mental prodding. Gwen furrowed her brow. Finally,
she couldnt take it any longer.

Levin, why dont you just admit you like me and ask me out?! she
demanded, turning her body on the bar stool to face him fully.

already told you dont push me. Kevin said through gritted
teeth. He avoided looking at Gwen all the same.

least tell me if you like me or not.

closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and turned to face her as well.
I do like you, Gwen. I think thats pretty obvious.

why wont you ask me out?! Gwen asked, her voice rising. People
sitting near them were starting to look.

it down! Kevin hissed, then said under his breath, Im no
good for you, Gwen.

bull, Kevin, and you know it. Gwen said, glaring at him.

bull is you wasting your time being around me. You can have any guy
you want! Kevin almost yelled in frustration. I shouldnt
have taken you up on dinner.

felt her face flushing in anger. Youre impossible! she
yelled at him. People were definitely staring at them now, and the
volume in the room dropped down a notch as people stopped talking to
listen to them.

glared at a few people, took another deep breath then said more
softly, Gwen, Im not the right guy for you. Im
irresponsible, unreliable Im just gonna end up hurting you, and
I dont want that. Youll be happier with somebody else.

am happy with you, and I dont want anybody else. Gwen said,
softening. You keep thinking youre this horrible person but
youre not. Youre one of the best, most amazing people I know.
Youve saved my life dozens of times, and despite what you might
think, I know I can always count on you.

fiddled with his bottle of beer. You know, Gwen, youre the only
one whos ever wanted to stick with me no matter what. He looked
at her. That means a lot.

reached out and grasped his hand. It was calloused and slightly wet
from holding the icy bottle of beer, but it was warm nonetheless. She
squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back. Kevin, I

honey, we heard your little commotion over there. Wanna ditch this
jerk and join us instead?

dropped Kevins hand and both of them turned to look at the source
of the voice. Standing next to Gwens seat was a tall, slightly
overweight guy with a buzz cut, meaty hands, and a glaze in his eyes
that suggested hed had a little too much to drink.

thank you. Gwen told him politely, not making eye contact. Kevin
stiffened beside her, his fists clenched.

on, honey the big guy said, We dont bite. He gave a
drunken laugh and grabbed Gwens arm.

Gwen yelled, trying to pry him off, but his hand was like a vice.
Suddenly, the guy let he go with a yell. The next moment he was
slumped on the ground, clutching at his gut with a moan. Kevin was on
his feet, his fist drawn back for another punch.

alright? he asked Gwen, finally relaxing and turning his full
attention on her.

thank you Look out! Gwen cried. The man had gotten back to his
feet and made a lunge for Kevin. Kevin, his reflexes honed from
fighting aliens, sidestepped the man easily and threw another punch
at him. People around them were cheering.

get out now!

had appeared behind the counter and was gesturing urgently at the two
policemen who were getting up from their table in the corner. One of
them was speaking into a walkie-talkie.

Kevin said, then grabbed Gwens hand. Lets go.

two of them made a dash for the door. Out of the corner of her eye,
Gwen saw one of the cops hurriedly following them.

following us! Gwen told Kevin in panic, as they ran out of the bar
and onto the street.

called for back-up too. Kevin muttered, Gwen running along beside
him as he made for a group of buildings.

The policeman yelled behind them.

on! Kevin yelled as they turned a corner. They ran on when Kevin
suddenly pulled Gwen into an alley beside a decrepit looking
building, with a faded sign advertising mouthwash hanging off its
hinges in the front.

squeezed into the dark alley and tried to blend into the shadows.
Kevin gently pushed Gwen until her back was to the wall. He stood as
close as he could in front of her and absorbed the brick wall behind
her. He touched her arm and Gwen felt a curious sensation as her skin
turned into brick as well. The both of them were now effectively

held their breath as they heard voices coming nearer to their hiding
place. Standing completely still, Gwen felt her heart in her throat
as a flashlight beam swept past them. However, as it was too dark and
the flashlight beam weak, the officer didnt notice the two,
brick-colored figures in the shadows. He moved on to the next

waited until the voices completely faded into the distance. After a
few minutes, Kevin changed the both of them back. Gwen felt another
strange sensation as her body turned back to skin.

was close. Gwen sighed, her heart rate beginning to return to
normal. It was then that she realized Kevin was staring at her and
that they were so close together.

Kevin managed to choke out, his breath hoarse. He was breathing hard.
He didnt move his body away from Gwens.

pulse speeded up again, though it had nothing to do with fear. She
could feel the length of Kevins body against hers. She bit her
lip, her breathing becoming labored as well.

Kevin said in a low voice, Did you really mean what you said in
the bar?

Gwen replied. Her breath caught in her throat as Kevin suddenly
leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers.

sighed against Kevins lips and wrapped her arms around his neck,
pulling him in closer. She heard him groan as their lips and bodies
melted against each other, his hands in her hair and moving along her
back. She felt him harden against her thigh and this turned her on
even more.

Gwen breathed out as he moved his lips away from her mouth and
started kissing along her jaw. She gasped as his hot mouth moved
along her neck, teasing her with little nips. When he started
sucking, her entire body arched against his and she moaned in

breathing ragged, Gwen started fumbling with Kevins pants. She
wanted him so bad. Kevins hands were already under her shirt.

Gwens pocket started vibrating and her cell phone rang. The shrill
ringtone brought them back to reality and the two of them broke apart

you should answer that. Kevin told her. He slumped against the
wall opposite and tried to regain his composure.

Hello? Gwen managed to say as she put the phone to her ear. She
tried to smooth out her hair. Kevin was fixing his pants.

Are you okay? Where are you? Julies voice was worried.

fine, Julie. Im still with Kevin.

ok. My parents were just asking me what was taking you so long. They
also sent Ben home after he fell asleep watching 27 Dresses
with me. Gwen could hear the scowl in Julies voice. The girl
hated it when Ben didnt appreciate her choice in movies.

your parents Im on my way. Ok. Bye. Gwen hung up.

have to go? Kevin mumbled, running a hand through his hair.

Gwen said. But I have to get my overnight bag from your house

Kevin said, then did something out of character. He took Gwens
hand in his own, kissed it, and led her out of the alley.

blushed, then did something out of character as well. She let go of
Kevins hand and instead wound her arm around his waist. Kevin
grinned, and put his arm around her shoulders. Together, they made
their way to the bus stop.


Sorry for taking so long to update. Is what I wrote appropriate for
the rating? If not, please let me know! One more chapter to go! By
the way, Im going to ask again. Do you guys want the rating in the
next chapter to go up? Let me know too!

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